This is one of many outreaches on this day. This week it has reached 115 degrees, so I became the Culligan Man, distributing water along with Gospel tracts. My Jeep was loaded up with cases of H2O.
On this day I preached in Rancho Cucamonga, then labored in Ontario, and then into San Bernardino. The first two were brief, and non-eventful (but Gods Word promises to never return void). There were several other preachers at the first location. But much happened in San Bernardino. After preaching this sermon, one lady asked some
At first Charles said he was saved because he “believes” and was “baptized.” But later after ministering to him, he realized he was in grave danger. Please pray for this man. I pray that I loved him Biblically, with the whole counsel of God. “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows
Dr. R.C. Sproul Sr. is a brilliant scholar, as he handles this controversy ever so circumspectly, and with much dignity. Sproul refutes the false teaching that a professed Christian can be continually carnal. This false teaching comes from those that take Romans 7:14 out of context. Or that do their own ‘eisegesis’ of the text,
This young lady is the byproduct of emergent pastors that unbiblically tell their congregation to “slip up your hand,” as they fraudulently declare them all born-again. Because there is nothing salvific about that, nor ‘believing’ according to the English definition of the word ‘believe.’ “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows
Your sins will kill you, but Jesus CHRIST can save you. I should have added the below verses to this video, but I added them here. “But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear Him” (Luke
During this sermon I preached the Law and the Gospel. I warned them of unhealthy ‘churches,’ unbiblical soteriology; and false conversions. I informed them of how repentance comes to us, what we do with it; as well as a call to repentance. One fellow later responded to this message admitting that he was considering a
At the moment of that salvific conception, a person that receives the supernatural born-again experience receives a circumcised heart. The Theology of the Lords Seed is a miracle that I cannot fully understand. But what must follow is an inceptive growth of the circumcision of sanctification. Does a woman just become pregnant? No, at conception
Though I failed to preach the whole counsel of God, and repentance, my Gospel tracts do. This is just another phase of a multi-phase counter-terrorism response to terrorism in our community. For more about this outreach, click on the ‘Redlands Terrorists’ tag. For the glory of God, by the grace of God!
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some