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Tag: Riverside

Video ‘Evangelizing the 22nd Annual Festival of Lights in Riverside – preaching CHRIST into their “Holiday celebration” – using various methods of evangelism

Last night I used various methods of evangelism. Some of them were open-air preaching, crying out, calling out, stop light preaching, cross walk preaching, rapid tract distribution (RTD), as well as engaging in ‘one on one’ conversations. Lord willing the malls and stores are next. Below is a portion of that labor of love. .

Video of Mark and Bill preaching at Riverside Courthouse & DMV

Today I went to preach at the Riverside Courthouse. To my surprise another preacher was already preaching. So I handed out tracts while he preached. This preacher looked familiar. We later realized that about 13 years ago Mark and I attended the same church. What a blessing this was. We then went to the DMV