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Tag: Roman Catholicism

Video evangelizing my own cities “Inter-faith” ceremony, at the Hillside Cemetery & my study of Matthew 10:34 beforehand, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword”

The last time I engaged in an outreach at this cemetery, was for a police funeral. But today my city, their mayor, and members of their “Area Interfaith Council” hosted this ceremonial event. However since the Lord warned that born-again Christians are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor 6:14-17), and that we

Video fishing for men on the Port Hueneme pier

At the time we departed this man was in 100% agreement about the false teachings of his religion, as well as the true Gospel. This was a portion of my recent labor of evangelism along the California coast. More about that here.

Video of ‘The Gospel Invasion at a Pirates event where the preachers were assaulted and lives were threatened, Jezebels impeded the Gospel, professed believers heckled the Gospel & the police responded 3 times’

Folks if you’re one that believes that the only form of evangelism is the “Jesus with the woman at the well” scenario, or ‘casual conversationalism,’ you’re free to do so (and I do support those methods as well). However when you examine the Scriptures, the ‘public open-air preaching’ of the Gospel was the most utilized