Since I’m not far from Atlanta, I was asked if I will be attending the conference. My answer is ‘no.’ The following is why, including but not limited to. I will not align myself with an organization whose leader became a registered text offender, as he molested Romans 13, apparently trying to convince others online to join
The title of my blog post ought to offend every Christian. But the truth is, we learned from Covid, that a majority of local churches and professing Christians, by their demonstration, held a higher view (or fear) of the authorities and the State, than the Lord and His immutable Word of God. The big news
If I were to run for the office of Sheriff, my platform would be God & Christ first, the Bible, the Constitution, State’s rights, while demonstrating the Reformed doctrine of Lesser Magistrate. One thought I was “angry” when I preached this sermon, righteous indignation is needed these days. Below is a blast from the past.
After seeing another Biblical herald being wrongfully criticized by heterodox believers for how he handled the police, I post this. There’s a lot of talk today about liberals hating “free speech.” Since the beginning of Christianity, Christian Men who have been called to go, stand, and preach the Gospel in the public square have always
Thanks for your podcast, as I’ve said before. I am a former Dispensationalist today I still have to fight against that former teaching. Dispensationalism is not just one error. Dispensationalism is the mothership that leads to many other errors. And saying I’m only a “leaky dispensationalist,” is tantamount to saying ‘I only have a little
A friend from California emailed the below video to me. This incident occurred back on March 31, 2020, and a judge recently ordered its release for public view. This video depicts multiple California Highway Patrol officers having blood drawn from a DUI suspect. The suspect had refused to comply and resisted the lawful demands of
I realize I seem to pound the subject of this Covid phenomenon into the ground. But because so many pastors and professing Christians are still in denial of their sin and disobedience to our Lord, I believe this is necessary. I have much respect for Sheriff Chad Bianco. To the best of my knowledge, he
Amen, what an excellent much needed exhortation. Today we live amongst a castrated Christendom, where so many males have been spiritually neutered. The vaccine is no longer about a personal choice, “understand that if you capitulate, and get that shot, you have set a precedent for the government to dictate to you to what you
Todd Friel’s interpretation (or application) of Romans 13 is a man-centered eisegesis, to say the least. At timestamp 16:00 he states, “if the government tells me to put pinwheels on the side my head every time I go to Publix, I’m gonna put pinwheels on the side of my head.” This cowardly pacifist wrong view
The courage of these midwives is a great testimony and witness to how Christians, Pastors, and Churches today should resist and disobey the governing authorities, when they tell us to go against the Scriptures, or our Christian belief. We need more men today, like the midwives then.