Today I open-air preached many sermons at the historical Olvera Street. I distributed many Gospel tracts, gave Biblical counsel to people, prayed for people, engaged in many ‘one on ones,’ and ‘cried out.’ The below two videos captured a portion of this work. All for the glory of God. “Who then is Paul, and who
This church is blessed to have such leadership. This community is fortunate to have a local church that loves them this much. They handed out lots of tracts and N.T. Bibles. They played worship music. They engaged in many ‘one on ones.’ They prayed over some, and I preached into the open-air. All for the
From their description field. “A deeply moving sermonette, extracted from Paris Reidhead’s famous sermon, So Great Salvation. The Gospel has been cheapened in our day and age, and Reidhead boldly proclaims precisely what is being left out. To listen to the full sermon, please visit”
This is an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (the last chapter of the Old Testament). Included in these 6 verses are lots of action, and the prophetic words from the Prophet Malachi. Also included is Gods judgment, Gods destruction, God’s wrath, Gods love, and Gods protection for His church. I also included a plea
I have way too much video to upload from my trip. Hence, I deleted most of the files. I did thou make this last video of the city of Dallas. This is ‘one’ of over ‘one hundred’ video files of my ‘Southwestern States Open-Air Preaching Tour, Spring 2014.’ For more information about this four week
I am very cautious in giving these praise reports, because they can come across as brag-a-thons. Not to mention that only the Lord knows if there was a true conversion, or not. I returned back to a train station that I’ve previously been open-air preaching at (with amplification). I was waiting for a crowd to
I just received another email from a person encouraging me to use the ‘Romans Road to Salvation’ (RRTS) in my evangelism efforts. I’ve only been doing ‘open-air’ preaching officially for two years. But I’ve been doing evangelism since 1991. I don’t claim to know it all, and frankly I’m just a knucklehead that strives to
UPDATE MAY 6TH: To God be the glory, the trip was amazing. The progress/praise report is below this post. As the Lord leads, my goal is to evangelize many cities throughout many states. However not to do so by utilizing post-modern forms of evangelicalism. Time is short, and life is but a vapor, so I
I worked two locations today, this was one of them. By God’s grace, the harvest was very ripe. I have already received an email from a person that heard the message. The police incident is based on a true story. It was a radio call that I received, and responded to. Not only did I let
“Is your assurance in Christ alone? Has God saved you? Or have you only said prayer after prayer and live with no assurance at all?” For more about this unbiblical sinners prayer, and how “the wrath of God closed down on me,” read my article here.