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Tag: Salvation

Video of an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (Prophecy, the Return of Christ, Gods judgment, wrath, mercy, love, protection & His Biblical way of salvation), by Bill Rhetts

This is an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (the last chapter of the Old Testament). Included in these 6 verses are lots of action, and the prophetic words from the Prophet Malachi. Also included is Gods judgment, Gods destruction, God’s wrath, Gods love, and Gods protection for His church. I also included a plea

The dangers of using the ‘Romans Road to Salvation’ in evangelism

I just received another email from a person encouraging me to use the ‘Romans Road to Salvation’ (RRTS) in my evangelism efforts. I’ve only been doing ‘open-air’ preaching officially for two years. But I’ve been doing evangelism since 1991. I don’t claim to know it all, and frankly I’m just a knucklehead that strives to

The heretical sinner’s prayer, and unbiblical altar calls

(this is the abridged online version, re-written in 1st person) TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION           This article comes after much prayer, and biblical council. My intent is not to merely criticize others. Nonetheless, Biblical discernment involves the process of both biblical judging, and critiquing. Please know my heart, that I