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Tag: Salvation

Video of an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (Prophecy, the Return of Christ, Gods judgment, wrath, mercy, love, protection & His Biblical way of salvation), by Bill Rhetts

This is an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (the last chapter of the Old Testament). Included in these 6 verses are lots of action, and the prophetic words from the Prophet Malachi. Also included is Gods judgment, Gods destruction, God’s wrath, Gods love, and Gods protection for His church. I also included a plea

The dangers of using the ‘Romans Road to Salvation’ in evangelism

I just received another email from a person encouraging me to use the ‘Romans Road to Salvation’ (RRTS) in my evangelism efforts. I’ve only been doing ‘open-air’ preaching officially for two years. But I’ve been doing evangelism since 1991. I don’t claim to know it all, and frankly I’m just a knucklehead that strives to