At the moment of that salvific conception, a person that receives the supernatural born-again experience receives a circumcised heart. The Theology of the Lords Seed is a miracle that I cannot fully understand. But what must follow is an inceptive growth of the circumcision of sanctification. Does a woman just become pregnant? No, at conception
Difficult is the way & 5 repudiations of postmodern pastorology. Continuing to bring the CHURCH back into the state, one sermon at a time. For my article on the aforementioned unbiblical methods of salvation, click on this link here.
I do not follow Hollywood news. Hence this is the first time I’ve posted about Charlie Sheen and/or his HIV diagnosis. This story doesn’t just exist in Hollywood. Both sin and HIV are prevalent in every one of our own communities. When Charlie Sheen’s doctor gave him his diagnosis that he was “HIV positive.” Sheen
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some
Bit of a rough start, but the Lord prevailed. Praise the Lord for how he worked thru this crowd. By the grace of God I was able to preach the whole counsel of God, pray for people, and engage in one on ones. I also distributed tracts to them. You will also hear from two
Three people from diverse backgrounds responded to the Gospel call at this bus depot. Note that I did not preach easy believism, I actually preached and warned against it. To God be the glory. After I saturated this place with tracts, the police arrived and began searching people. I decided to place the officers in
What does it mean to be “Blessed,” and how do we Biblically understand and apply this word? by Bill Rhetts, MA (Disclaimer: This applies only to born-again Christians) A Biblical word that is often misunderstood, misused, and misapplied is the word “blessed.” Such as “I’m blessed,” “be blessed,” “God bless you,” etcetera etcetera. The prosperity
The Lord has given Justin Peters an amazing provocative, prolific, itinerant ministry. This edited video, gives excerpts of many false teachers. As Peters stated “These people are not Christians. They do not know the God of the Bible. You cannot be indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God, and teach such blasphemes over and over
Lord thank You for allowing me to sow Your Seed, and I trust that only You can produce the results. Lord thank You for sister Eva and her companion. To God be the glory. “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of
Pastor Steve Lawson talks about the many “church members” that are not saved. He shares the high conversion rate of a church that he later took over, including his non-saved Deacon. He tells how the 1st Epistle of John is a great epistle to see if you truly are saved or not. Lawson is a