Disclaimer: I am not being critical of the author, nor the persons in support of this bill that were quoted in the article. I see these folks (via social media) doing a mighty work for the Lord. My response is to a larger Christian audience, not mentioned in this article. So according to this
When I saw the below news article entitled “Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ,” I just had to read it. Though there are many things wrong with this story, the following is my synopsis. Their so-called “found faith” is not something to be found. Faith is a gift from the Lord (Eph 2:7-9).
It’s one thing to err in our doctrine or teachings (as we all have, and sometimes sill unknowingly do). But it’s another thing to commit as much err seen in the below 85 second video. J.D. Greer, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention says the following about the historical accounts of the Bible. “I’m
Admittedly I am not a gifted writer. I err often (grammar, spelling, sentence structure etc.). Sadly I’ve erred in doctrine too. But when I realize it (the doctrine), thankfully the Lord convicts me, and grants me repentance. Furthermore our Theology and Ecclesiology matters, so since this was written by the President of their seminary, and
It is important to note that I am not speaking of the Lords Church (Christ’s bride) here. I am speaking of a denomination. As I’ve warned many times before, the Southern Baptist Church has continually engaged in a gradual process of apostasy. Now their extra-biblical Rome-like ecclesiastical hierarchy has changed ‘their Bible’ to be more