Pleaded with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’ I usually don’t upload videos of my police encounters. However, this one I did. I was the suspect probably described as a male white, 6-02, 220, crew cut, wearing “camel’s hair and with a leather belt around his waist,
Pastor Jon Speed open-air preaches in Hollywood, Actress Raquel “Rocky” Santiago approaches & heckles him Rocky claims to be a Christian, and is still willfully practices her sins. She then brags about killing her baby. Is Rocky a deceiver? Or was she deceived into believing that she was a Christian? She was probably once told
Open-air preaching in Downtown Riverside on easy believism, repentance, & salvation (with 1 bad interruption & 1 good interruption) There were many people sitting down eating in the outdoor food court. I warned them of easy-believism, by telling the story of how a pro-life ‘believer,’ was recently offended by a Biblical message I gave; and
A watchman warning of ‘Kesha, the Satanic cult leader, and her music’ For many years I’ve been sounding the trumpet of the dangers of some music. In one BBC documentary, I attributed it to Satan himself. Back in the day, we knew what our children were listening to (and our parents knew us.) We simply read
Is masturbation a sin?, by Pastor Tim Conway This message will apply to any form of sexual immorality, lust, and to “bondage’ to sin. There’s a difference between being a sinner, and being sinful. masturbate
Beginning this week, the U.S. Supreme court will begin hearing testimony on California’s Proposition 8, as well as the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Below is my commentary on this subject. Some will accuse this video of being “judgmental.” If so, they are correct. However, it is a Biblical form of judgment, according to the
This puritan wrote this newspaper column back in 1848. It’s almost prophetic to hear what he said, as we watch where we are today. He also warned about the many books that some Christians are reading a well. “I don’t want Satan to outwit us. After all, we are not ignorant about Satan’s scheming.” (2
This young man is certainly not an emergent. It is the carnal lukewarm emergent ‘believers’ (if they are saved;) that will most likely unBiblcally judge this brother’s heart. They might even call him “legalistic,” or a “legalist,” or “self-righteous,” of even “unloving” for preaching the truth in love. These are ad hominem attacks that the
The State of the Roman Catholic Religion, and the criminology, victimology, and theology of Catholicism by Chaplain Bill Rhetts March 8th, 2013 Introduction: On February 11, 2013, the 85-year old pope Benedict XVI, announced that “because of advanced age,” he would resign by the end of the month. This news made history, because the last
Sermon jam on Revelation 22:18-19 (adding or taking away from God’s Word. How crime & a pornography distributor infiltrated a Bible publishing company) Plus how crime, pornography and immorality has infiltrated the Bible publishing business. Listen to what translations are not the Bible. This message in its entirety can be heard here