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Video pleading with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’

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IPOC logo radial jpgPleaded with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’

I usually don’t upload videos of my police encounters. However, this one I did. I was the suspect probably described as a male white, 6-02, 220, crew cut, wearing “camel’s hair and with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.” For those that may not know the Scriptures. That’s a partial Biblical description of ‘John the Baptist,’ who preached ‘repentance.’

While the San Bernardino County Sheriff Deputy (SBSD) was speaking to me, the courthouse opened their front doors early. Therefore my line of people outside was always moving, rather than standing still. Consequently, I lost my captive stand still audience. However, there was always a consistent flow of people. I pray this message will reach many more via the internet.

(If my former police agency is watching this, at no time did I provide the deputy with police ID, nor did I tell him what agency I was with. I have saved the unedited video.)

In this open-air message, I spoke about the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision on California Prop 8, and D.O.M.A. As well as the state of our country, and the imminent threats and dangers, that America faces.

I also warned those professing to be a Christian or “believers,” that if they are practicing heterosexual sins, they would in fact perish in hell.

I preached on 1st Cor chapter 5, 1st Cor 6:9-11. Matt 18:15-17, 1st Pet 4:17-19, 1st Tim 3:14-15, Matt 7:21-23, and many more verses. Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

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