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Tag: Sexual immorality

Alistair Begg is a malicious backslider, as he slanders his opponents, inferring they’re closet homosexuals and Pharisees

The disgraced Alistair Begg wrongfully pulls the “Pharisee” card if you speak against his unbiblical position on attending “gay weddings” or against immorality. And, he sinfully claims those who do are probably closet homosexuals or sexually immoral. Perhaps this egregious false teacher-backslider is now doing the work of the Devil as he maliciously slanders those

EVIL: New California Bill Charges Parents with Child Abuse for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity – Bill Co-Author Once Led Successful Effort to Lower Criminal Penalties for Knowingly Spreading HIV

Before you read the Gateway Pundit article below, please read my preface. I have many things to say, but here are only some of my thoughts, lest I give the thought police ammunition. Regarding California politics. My main regret is not leaving California sooner. But dear Tennesseans, don’t be fooled to think this could not

The blasphemous politization of Proverbs 29:2

I’m seeing various Proverbs 29:2 memes posted similar to this. Though we can apply this to our current circumstances in America, this verse is not speaking specifically of America or her politics. And it’s certainly not speaking of Donald Trump. Surely according to the worlds standards, Trump was a far better president than Biden. But

Imprecatory Prayers Against President Joseph Biden – Podcast 61

President Biden recently committed blasphemy (again) against Almighty God. After playing that video, I discuss covenant theology vs. dispensationalism, and then imprecatory prayers. Regarding my comments against public schools, I failed to mention the solution, which is homeschooling. If the Secret Service desires to visit my home, you’re wasting your valuable time. As while I