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Tag: Sexual immorality

Podcast S1 E7 – Same Sex Attractions amongst ‘professing’ Christians (with video clip of interview of former gays) 🔞✔

If a professing Christian believes-in, or normalizes SSA’s amongst professing Christians, then I suggest they are either a liberal, bi-sexual, a homosexual, a false teacher, a capitulator, and/or an apostate. While discussing this very controversial subject, I discuss different forms of attraction. I tell an applicable story of a gorgeous woman that I and three

Pressing the ‘Pause Button’ on Paul Washer

Out of all the well-known postmodern reformed preachers, Paul Washer is the one who I’ve shared the most videos of. The last time I counted I had over 120 Paul Washer videos on my web site. Though I have learned much from Washer, and I appreciate the many things he said in this interview, but

A PROFESSING “devout Christian” rapper was arrested for allegedly raping a quadriplegic in a vegetative state (her babies DNA shows him as the father)

According to this news source, another ‘professing’ Christian was arrested for serious sex crimes. The liberal media loves these stories, because this provides them an opportunity to exploit or slander a professing Christianity in a negative way. My intent here is not to help the liberal media further exploit Christianity, but to counter these stories