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Tag: Sexual immorality

Podcast S1 E7 – Same Sex Attractions amongst ‘professing’ Christians (with video clip of interview of former gays) 🔞✔

If a professing Christian believes-in, or normalizes SSA’s amongst professing Christians, then I suggest they are either a liberal, bi-sexual, a homosexual, a false teacher, a capitulator, and/or an apostate. While discussing this very controversial subject, I discuss different forms of attraction. I tell an applicable story of a gorgeous woman that I and three

Pressing the ‘Pause Button’ on Paul Washer

Out of all the well-known postmodern reformed preachers, Paul Washer is the one who I’ve shared the most videos of. The last time I counted I had over 120 Paul Washer videos on my web site. Though I have learned much from Washer, and I appreciate the many things he said in this interview, but