Nephtali did a great job on this video, as he gives a Biblical explanation and application. It is a fact that most of these diagnoses, problems, or behaviors are sin. Others are simply personality traits. 100% of us have sin, and 100% of us have personalities.* Our sinful nature is a direct result of being
Today we shared the Gospel on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We distributed lots of Gospel tracts, engaged in one on one conversations, rebuked professed Christians, cried out repentance up and down the boulevard; and preached sermons on the box. There was also lots of mutual edification. We ran into many professed Christians that were
The Lord pressed it on my heart, to not be so solely concerned about large crowds for my open-air preaching. But to also reach-out to those ‘individuals,’ that others would not. I then began thinking and praying about all the locations, I’ve investigated as an LAPD undercover VICE Cop. One of the many VICE’s I’ve
My intent is to enter many of these, and tell the fortuneteller ‘their future’ (according to the Scriptures.) To warn them of the wrath to come, and a plea of repentance. Those waiting inside this location were sitting just on the other side of this front window. One of the women looked very ashamed, and
Today Tony, May and I did some evangelizing outside Redlands High School. This was in response to the recent arrest of two school teachers. Whereas one recently plead guilty to having sex with students. The other was arrested for alleged possession of illegal drugs. However, I failed to mention in my sermon, that we must
Preaching at a Mentone marijuana dispensary, with alleged Christian customer present In the city of Mentone, there are four marijuana dispensaries, within four blocks of each other. Not to mention all the other blatant vice activities. So that our videos are not repetitive, we will not upload every video of every open-air outreach. Just an