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Tag: Suicide

The Silicon Valley Bank collapse and more things to come

Like many others, over the last two years, my wife & I have lost money that we’ve invested in retirement accounts, etcetera. But we know the Lord decrees these things, perhaps as His inevitable judgment. As this worsens, sadly, people with no hope will sinfully commit suicide. But by faith, we do not complain but

An Evangelist known on YouTube & Facebook commits suicide

I’ve been reading Facebook posts and comments regarding a professing Christian that killed himself. For this blog post, let’s call him John Doe. Tantamount to how the world normalizes homosexuality, some professing Christians are minimalizing the weightiness of his sin of suicide. Some are lauding him as a “hero” for his evangelism efforts. Many are

Video preaching What about those “pearly gates?” That God requires perfection and righteousness to enter into heaven – One responds to the Gospel, many others…

This morning I preached from Galatians 4:4-5. Also that God requires ‘perfection’ and ‘righteousness’ to enter heaven; and told about the One that did that for His church. My Sovereign King did a mighty work. One responded to the Gospel, many Christians were exhorted, many asked for prayer, some asked serious questions, two brothers prayed