Yes this news is sad, but at the same time I rejoice, and when the courts get worse, I will rejoice even more. I have come to a point in my life (as the Lord sanctifies me more), that I desire to be less of an American. I now belong to a holy nation (1
This week my wife and I attended a lecture at Providence Christian College in Pasadena. The lecture was on ‘The Religious Beliefs of Key American Founders,’ and ‘Examining the Evidence for a Christian America.’ The speaker was Dr. Gregg L. Frazer. Dr. Frazer coordinates the Political Studies program at the Master’s University. He has spent
On December 20th 2017 the city of El Paso authorized a public event called, “A Drag Queen Christmas. The Naughty Tour.” This was an event where members of the homosexual community seized the opportunity to further commit blasphemy, by making a mockery out of a season that is generally set apart to honor the birth of
UPDATE 06/03/18: The U.S Supreme Court ruled in a 7-2 decision, in partial favor of the Baker. However had the SCOTUS ruled against the Baker, Christians must obey God’s Law over mans. More about the courts decision here. I urge all Christians to begin praying for this court and their justices. Moreover, Jack Phillips and his
The outline is as follows. 1. In verses 1-3 the ‘Nations are raging’ (a Theological conspiracy theory) A. The formality of their rebellion (2:1) B. The force of their rebellion (2:2) C. How America has ‘broken her bonds with Christ & cast away the cords’ D. The focus of their rebellion (2:3). 2. In verses
Admittedly years ago I needed to repent from my patriotic view of the Scriptures, and so I say this with love and concern. Sadly within America I am seeing an ‘increasing trend’ of professing Christians acquiescing to the entitlement culture. More specifically they think they’re entitled to “Christian liberties,” or “religious freedoms,” or “Christian rights.”
I did not know about this street preachers arrest, booking, prosecution, conviction, and jail sentencing until today (after most of his sentence has already been served). According to Roy Spears below Facebook post, King was “preaching the Gospel at a sports facility” when he was arrested. The misdemeanor crime that he allegedly committed was first
Lawson usually preaches from the fire of his belly, but he was mellow in this one. “Political correctness grays everything. They cannot differentiate, they cannot separate. They create hate crimes, and only apply them to one group.” – Pastor Charles Lawson. For more articles / sermons on a Biblical self-defense, click here, for our tag on
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some