Over the past ten months, we’ve visited over ten churches in the Bible Belt, and are thankful for the experience. One church we remained for two months, and another church for three. Out of all those churches, and all those Lord’s Days, not one practiced the command to participate in communion, not even once. One
As I visit churches in the Bible Belt looking for a healthy and Biblical church to join, besides egalitarianism, I am consistently seeing this anomaly. The Bible is rarely used in their Bible studies or Sunday schools. And is being replaced by corporate publications. For example. The use of workbooks and study guides published by
One of the greatest setbacks amongst some denominations, is they have too many extra-biblical requirements for the office of elder, as well as for membership, and/or other positions. At one church, I was in the process of becoming a member. But they were a little taken back by my open-air ministry. To become a member they
DISCLAIMER: I do not share all doctrinal views of every person mentioned here. I’m with at a local Church that embraces the five fundamental Doctrines of Grace that practice a Regulative Principle of Worship, Covenant Theology, and a full-strict subscription to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. The Truth Matters conference was a three day
I believe this review has provided an opportunity to teach, discern, edify, sanctify Christ’s bride (Holy Spirit willing), and to glorify the Lord. Recently while at a particular venue, the Pastor recommended a booklet being made available entitled ‘Homosexuality and the Bible,’ authored by R. Nicholas Black, and published by New Growth Press and Harvest
For the purposes of this blog post I will call the church we visited “This church.” Recently my wife and I were searching for a new church closer to home. While we were visiting churches, we had heard of a newly planted church here in Redlands, that being [name snipped]. This church was a church