These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
It’s one thing to err in our doctrine or teachings (as we all have, and sometimes sill unknowingly do). But it’s another thing to commit as much err seen in the below 85 second video. J.D. Greer, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention says the following about the historical accounts of the Bible. “I’m
Blaspheme Alert: “Pastor” Brandan Robertson preaches that sexual immorality is a “path to holiness” I am not surprised nor discouraged by these things. Because “Pastor” Brandon Robertson is worse than a false teacher. He is most likely the “reprobate” mentioned in Romans chapter one, that the Lord has turned over to his lustful desires. He
Interestingly, this presentation was given during the presidency of Barack Obama, way before the slogan “Make America great again” became popular. Peters warns that professing Christians should not be so fixed on making America better. Because the role of the church is not to make America better again, it’s to preach (or share) the true
All too often our Reformed brothers are only willing to call-out Armenians, all the while allowing leaven to ferment amongst their own congregations. No matter what your Theological persuasion may be, I believe it is a good practice to judge ourselves from the inside out. As I’ve said before, “I appreciate Reformed Theology, and the
Perhaps this might be the most important message I’ve ever uploaded to YouTube? Over the years we’ve heard this parable taught by many Bible teachers. But often times the teacher places too much emphasis on Israel, the wedding, the bride, the groom, and/or their culture. When in fact many teachers failed to concentrate on the
Biblical Thoughts on Billy Graham, by Zephaniah Mel, M.Div. The focus of this post is not for the purpose of debating the salvation of Billy Graham or the success he garnered, but a post to bring another perspective concerning the dangerous pitfalls of ecumenism (*[for this context] “an ideology that desires unity among all Christian
According to their Facebook page, Barcroft TV airs a program called “Extreme Love.” This particular decadent show is about ‘professing’ Christians that are “Christian wife swappers,” and that “Preach the Word of God through swinging.” Their video description field also reads, “This is God’s plan” Devout Christians Cristy and Dean Parave are spreading the word
The feminist #MeToo movement has become extremely narcissist and vindictive. But in this particular case, it has risen to the level of blasphemy. Whereas 47-year-old “Rabbi” Tamra Kolton of Birmingham, Michigan has not only participated in this #MeToo campaign, but worse, she has slandered and committed blasphemy against God. As she falsely professes that Eve,