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Tag: Wildlife

Our Mama Cow came close to death

As you know, on Thanksgiving Day Mama Cow gave birth to her baby (Madeline), but yesterday Mama became extremely ill and was in respiratory distress. The two-person team that responded from our Veterinarian must have been trained in some form of Veterinary Martial Arts. To see how they were able to get this large Cow on the

Calf Released Day 6, Donkey Disciplined

Today was day six of baby Madeline’s new life. The first two days were not easy for her. She showed no interest in nursing. Her tongue and palate seemed to keep her from sucking milk from her mother. I’ve heard of mothers rejecting their calves, but Madeline seemed to reject her mother. Between us hand-feeding

Feeding our Baby Calf on day 2 – problems bonding

Since I’ve never seen the calf nurse her mommy, I tried feeding her just in case. But apparently, the baby is not hungry for my bottle. So, I guess I’ll leave her alone. UPDATE since upload: A brother from church came by to evaluate the situation. He got his veterinarian on the phone, and the

A Baby Calf on Thanksgiving Day

While feeding the animals in the dark, for the first time Mama Cow didn’t come for her meal. Further investigation revealed she calved within the last 5 hours. Thank You Lord for this Thanksgiving baby. “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most

Me and our Jackass

This is me and Jackson our Jackass. We share a lot of similarities, except I am much worse, I’m a sinner. A sinner chosen by God, and saved by King Jesus who chose to ride on a Donkey in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. “Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is

Having dominion over Guineafowl comes with responsibility – OUCH!

I won’t go into the details, but last night we lost the third of our four baby Guineafowl. Including but not limited to. The armadillos, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, opossums, raccoons, snakes, and wolves are plentiful here. After the first breach into what I thought was predator-proof enough, yesterday I moved the remaining two birds into

Our first Chicken egg in Tennessee 🐔

This is not my first Chicken rodeo, but it is our first flock of chickens in Tennessee. This morning at exactly 10:00 AM I heard our Chickens going nuts, and the Bantom Rooster was in overdrive. Since Bantams are small, he has a Napoleon complex. But this time I think he was singing “Macho macho macho

Four Deer on the Lord’s Day

Tonight, these four Deer were eating in our backyard. We have much more Deer than this daily on our property. But they are very camera shy, and usually, run away when they see us. This time I managed to open the squeaky door to capture this. My lens was set at 300mm. The one looking

A Luminescent Luna Moth visits our front porch  

As stated before, our front porch is a great place to relax. Today we were visited by a Luminescent Luna Moth. Our porch is also frequented by various Wildlife, Synchronous Fireflies, and some of the largest Butterflies. And sometimes we have a camera ready just in time. “If you have never seen a pearly crescent