Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president? – Neither!

Now that the other candidates have stepped down from the presidential race, I will respectfully say this. I am not ashamed to be an ‘out of the closet’ conservative (a real one), and most importantly a born-again Christian. But sadly much of America does not understand what a true conservative is, nor do they understand what it means to be a ‘Christian.’
Understand this. America is full of RINO’s and CINO’s. Born-again Christians are in fact a MINORITY within America’s populace. Henceforth, the aforementioned points I addressed, coupled with compromise and SIN are the root of America’s deterioration. Know this, I am not complaining. Because this is an exciting time to be a Christian. A great time to herald the glorious Gospel into a lost and dying world.
There was a time in my Christian life that I relied too much on ‘voter score guides,’ and not enough on the Scriptures. I have repented from that, and now use the Scriptures first and foremost as my voter guide.
If you profess to be a born-again Christian. Then before you vote, I strongly urge you to prayerfully study Romans chapter 1 (then receive the admonishment in verse 32). As well as Ephesians 5:1-22 (specifically verses 7-12), Exodus 18:21, 1 Corinthians 5, Proverbs 28:5, 2 Chronicles 19:1-3, and Isaiah 10:1. Because we are NOT to condone, tolerate, nor acquiesce to sin. We are NOT to be partakers in evil, but rather we are to expose them.
Most professing Christians vote for their President based on one (or all) of the following considerations (or platforms). Their view on abortion, gun rights, the constitution or Israel (dispensationalists). I no longer vote based on platforms alone. Today my number one platform is the candidates’ view of God, Christ, and His Scriptures, lest I commit idolatry by putting platforms before God. If they have a Biblical view of the above, they will have a Biblical view horizontally. Which oftentimes means writing-in, my candidate. Moreover, God is sovereign, and I will trust Him for the final results.
But I choose mine based on their view of God, Christ & His Scriptures. God is most important, lest I commit idolatry.
Though I’ve never voted for a Democrat, and never will. I will not vote for a Republican that is pro-abortion or pro-homosexual. The atrociousness of those National sins, and how they are an affront to a Holy God matter.
Therefore I will be ‘writing in’ a Christlike candidate.
Yes my sovereign King is still on His throne. And I believe God is giving us ‘Clinton or Trump’ as a form of judgment upon America. Frankly we’re getting what we deserve.
“A vote is like a rifle. Its usefulness depends upon the character of the user” – Theodore Roosevelt.
Having said that, something much worse than our next presidency is coming soon (but only ‘worse’ if you’re not saved). As Bible scholar Paul Washer said, “With one hand God is motioning man to come to Him. With the other hand He is holding back His wrath. Soon He is going to drop both hands.”
Whoever the next president may be, we must pray for him (or her), and be thankful. Lord let Your will be done!
As always brethren –Love ‘biblically’ – repent – be salt and light – be holy – be sanctified – fear God – pray without ceasing – keep His commandments – grow in His grace and knowledge – put on the whole armor of God (and use it) – walk circumspectly – believe in and trust Jesus – obey the Gospel – share the Gospel – preach the Gospel – contend for the faith, – disciple each other, hate the things that God hates, and love the things that God loves – keep the faith, work-out your salvation, and endure to the end!
- An Inland Empire – Chino Hills pastor accuses his congregation of taking “stupid pills,” if they don’t vote the way he prefers, by Bill Rhetts
- A Biblical response to the hysteria of this 2016 Presidential election, by Bill Rhetts
- Donald Trump has created an excruciating moment for evangelicals, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr
- An excellent article ‘The gift of Gods judgment, by Joe Rigney. “Instead, as Christians, we ought to embrace the judgments of God.”
- A serious Theological flaw in the first VP debate between Pence and Caine
- Bad company ruins good morals. Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning…
- A must see speech on ‘Christians and Trump,” by Erick Erickson
- An article ‘Reconsidering my position on Trump,’ by Erick Erickson
- Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny
- Donald Trump: Why This Christ-Follower Will Never Vote for You, by Matt Barber
- Last night in less than thirty seconds, Mike Pence taught over fifty million television viewers his unbiblical soteriology – How should Christ’s bride respond?
- VP Mike Pence, a professing Christian, endorses, praises, and swears-in homosexual Richard Grenell as a U.S. Ambassador to Germany, as his homosexual “partner” holds the Bible
- For more political posts, click on my POLITICS tag here.
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Reconsidering My Opposition to Trump, by Erick Erickson is a must read
Donald Trump, The National Enquirer President — A Divine Judgment on America?
Donald Trump: Why This Christ-Follower Will Never Vote for You
Why Evangelical Christians Should Not Support Donald Trump
Worse Than Hillary: Why I Will Never Vote for Donald Trump
Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny
Evangelical Christians should not vote for Donald Trump
Why Evangelicals Should Be Terrified Of Trump
A 2½ hour documentary on Donald Trump “How the US Presidential Candidate Made his Money Deals!”
Talking points about Trump:
Trump now alleges that he’s a Christian, but believes he has no need to confess any sins to God, nor repent of them.
Trump supports the slaughter of the unborn child.
Trump is a liberal with an ‘R’ after his name.
Trump has financially supported many liberal democrats, including Hillary.
Trump is an admitted sexually immoral adulterous man.
Trump has traded-in his wives like used cars.
Trump is a prideful man with a hot temper.
Trump may be more narcissist than Obama.
Trump if a major builder and leader of our sinful casino industry.
And the list goes on and on.
Regarding the first night of the 2016 RNC: I heard about this while evangelizing in Hollywood (break time). As a Christian, my duty is not to be a subjective opinionator, but to be an objective truth seeker. Or as another said, “An impartial advocate of the truth.” As many others mentioned today. Trump has convinced his supporters that they can trust him to make good choices, as to whom he picks for his leaders. Which would include his cabinet, his advisors, military Generals, Federal judges, and Supreme Court Justices. Well here is living proof that he failed his first test; His choice of speech writer. I don’t care how his supporters try to defend this. Willful plagiarism is deceptive, and unethical. I am so trusting in the Lord, as to the disaster America is headed in (regardless of candidate). Video here https://youtu.be/hE_9ROhGBjs
Before you read this MUST READ article, here’s my preface to it.
This is disappointing news to me. I expect this from the non-saved world, and even from some of the sheeple; but not from such a noted scholar / under-Shepard as Grudem. Grudem’s reasons justifying his endorsement of Trump are not only unbiblical, they are anti-Biblical. As Baird stated, Grudem’s endorsement is “quickly becoming political preference rather than biblical fidelity.” And “That is the danger of situational ethics. It causes us to evaluate circumstances based on what WE think is best and not what God says is best. Our consternation as evangelicals is a reflection of what has been happening for years in the church which is the slow slide away from biblical and moral objectivity. Our authority has become our “feelings” and what we think is best. My concern is that Dr. Grudem has given the green light for that reality to be justified. Voting is as much a biblical concern for the Christian as any other aspect of life.”
Regardless how my social media friends vote, know that I love you. But I will be voting my Christian conscience and Biblical convictions. Years ago when I was still a policeman my wife once said to me. “Bill if you cut your finger, you’d bleed blue.” My prayer now is that I would be known as a man, that if I cut my finger, I’d bleed Theology. – Chaplain Bill
Have you heard Trump’s most recent scandal? According to PayPal founder Peter Thiel (a homosexual), Trump is considering him for the Supreme Court of the United States. This is what many professing (alleged) Christians are rallying for.
Bad company ruins good morals.” Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning:
To my Christian friends: I don’t know what I like better. The older days when voters generally didn’t tell who they’re voting for, and our voting booths even had curtains on them. Or today when most voters tell everyone who they’re voting for. Nevertheless, whom a person endorses (or supports on social media) tells a lot about their character. And perhaps that’s a good thing to know.
Contextually speaking, in 1 Corinthians 15 Paul was warning about those that did not believe in the resurrection of Christ. However this portion or passage is so suiting for this topic.
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame” (1 Cor 15:33-34).
In this passage Paul was quoting Greek philosopher – author Menander (342-292 B.C.). Through this proverb, Paul was rebuking and warning the church then, that these professing believers had their discernment or morals corrupted by the people they associated with. Moreover not only were they influenced by immoral people, but worse they were now corrupting others in their congregation.
Remember that a little leaven leavens the whole lump, so let us purge-out the leaven in our lives.
Last week I spent a lot of time studying the ‘doctrines of Gods providence.’ Brethren, I am not worried about this election, nor am I anxious. I am so excited to see how the Lord will use either candidate. But know this. Biblical history tells us that many times the Lord raised up men to usher in his judgement and wrath. Frankly I believe the Lord ‘might’ use either candidate in that regard (but only the Lord knows).
Lastly to all my friends. No matter who you vote for, I will love you the same. But as a follower of Christ, I cannot put my name behind either candidate.
As always – Ye must be born again. Repent – be salt and light – be holy – be sanctified – fear God – pray without ceasing – keep His commandments – walk circumspectly – believe in and trust Jesus – obey the Gospel – share the Gospel – preach the Gospel – contend for the faith, – hate the things that God hates, and love the things that God loves – keep the faith, work-out your salvation, and endure to the end!
I do not find pleasure in posting this. Not that I ever believed-in, nor trusted President elect Donald Trump. But Trump has not even been sworn-in yet, and we’re already seeing him flip-flop on many of his positions (or promises). In his recent interview with 60-Minutes, Trump now wobbles on his opposition of FBI Director Comey. As well as his “special prosecutor” to investigate Hillary’s shenanigans. As well as the “wall” being reduced to a “fence,” but in some areas. As well as Trump allegedly being against abortion, but now vows that women should still be able to “go to another state” to murder their unborn. Though this was not one of his promises. Trump has fully accepted gay marriage, and refuses to oppose this ungodly law. Yes I’m praying for Trump, but folks you ain’t seen nothing yet. This is exactly why I refused to place my own DNA and finger prints on a ‘vote for Trump’ ballet button. The church (the bride of Christ) must be holy, sanctified – consecrated. She shall never accept, tolerate, nor acquiesce to National sins.
DONALD TRUMP’S HOMOSEXUAL CONSIDERATIONS: This is addressed to those that profess to be Christians. Some will be more offended at my preface, than they will be at the sinister nature of Trumps ‘considerations.’ I’m going to lose FB friends for this, but I don’t care. I fear the Lord, and I do not desire to be conformed to this world.
Before even being sworn-in, President elect Donald Trump has already made history. He is the first president to consider putting homosexuals on the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as on the Whitehouse Cabinet.
Trump has been considering appointing PayPal founder Peter Thiel (a homosexual) on this Nation’s highest court. And now his latest consideration is putting Richard Grenell (a homosexual) on the Whitehouse Cabinet as U.N. Ambassador. Frankly America should withdraw from the U.N., but that’s for another discussion.
This is our newer America. As I’ve said before, our ungodly nation at-large has defiantly waved their fists at God. All the way to the highest levels of legislative jurisprudence, our nation has committed many crimes and transgressions against God.
Trumps considerations do not surprise me, nor does he disappoint me, as I expect this from worldlings. But what is disappointing to me, is that many ‘pastors’ and ‘professing’ Christians ‘publicly advocated’ for Trump. In spite of what they knew about Trump, they still publicly stood behind him. And so yes I am judging those that profess to be Christians, more-so than Trump (1 Cor 5:12-13).
Immediately after trump’s election, people who claim to follow Christ even posted unwitting things like, “Finally God, back in the Whitehouse,” or “Restoring morality in the Whitehouse,” etc. Are you kidding me?
Let me ask you this. Would you support a ‘people group’ that are openly active thieves? Of course not. Then why would you support a people group that are openly active sexually immoral (straight or gay). Both sins are transgressions against God’s Law, and the latter is a National sin, in which the Holy Scriptures speak even more strongly against.
I pray many professing Christians will see how they have become a terrible testimony before the world.
A Biblical love does not tolerate, celebrate, congratulate, nor accept sinfulness, nor acquiesce to sin (especially our own, which we must repent from). Many believers are not prepared, nor equipped to demonstrate Christianity before the world. Below is a video demonstrating how Christians are supposed to respond to the sexually immoral. This man is getting medical tests done, to see if he has any sexually transmitted diseases. I do not sugarcoat his sins, I demonstrate both salt and light. That is a Biblical love.
Pray for the best, prepare for the worst. “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9).
Six donors that Trump appointed gave almost $12 million with their families to back his campaign and the party:
It is my desire to always be an impartial advocate of the truth, which is offensive to most of today’s culture. I believe that Trump has made a couple decent choices for his cabinet positions, based solely on merit, and qualifications. However a large portion of them are highly suspect. It appears that Trump has broken the record for what I call ‘fiscal prostitution.’ Many are boasting that Trump is “draining the swamp” in DC. Perhaps he is, but perhaps he is refilling it with more swap water? And yes, I am praying.
Admittedly I would rather have Trump as president, rather than Clinton. However I am glad that I did not vote for either. Since Trump is not a born-again Christian, I do not expect anything better from him. Nevertheless no ‘ballets for Trump’ have my DNA, or latent fingerprints on them. A Biblical definition of a born-again Christian, is they are a repenting bondslave to Christ, they will keep (‘tereo’ τηρέω) His commandments, and they will obey His Gospel. They are ‘sold out’ to the Lord, not a ‘sell out’ to this world. Trump continues his affront against my Holy God, as “Trump Keeps Obama’s International LGBT Envoy Randy Berry – Promoting Homosexuality and Gender Confusion Abroad.” A “Third major pro-homosexual action by Trump.” And yes I am praying for Trumps salvation.
Though I am not a democrat, nor a republican, is grieves me when I see ‘professing’ Christians hypocritically (or ignorantly) criticize only democrats. Nonetheless, this is expected from a president that denounces Jesus as LORD. That pridefully claims that he has no need for forgiveness, nor repentance. That has contributed to the casino industry which profits off of all kinds of sinfulness, that is an adulterer, that is pro homosexual, that is a pornographer, etcetera.|
Jesus made it very clear about sorcery (Rev 21:8). And what about our new top Cop?
Nevertheless no ‘ballets for Trump’ have my DNA, or latent fingerprints on them. A Biblical definition of a born-again Christian, is they are a repenting bondslave to Christ, they will keep (‘tereo’ τηρέω) His commandments, and they will obey His Gospel. They are ‘sold out’ to the Lord, not a ‘sell out’ to this world. And yes I am praying for Trumps salvation.
Trump to enforce Obamas LGBTQ anti-discrimination order.
TRUMP VOWS TO CURE AIDS FOR GAY COMMUNITY: Oh how so many have sold their souls to Trump, and his pro homosexual ‘socialized medicine’ agenda. From the start of his campaign, Trump has been a supporter of the homosexual agenda. Then after their election, Pence praised two homosexual men, as he (Pence) sworn one in as a U.S. Ambassador (with his hand on the Bible). And now that Ambassador’s agenda is to ‘decriminalize homosexuality’ in other parts of the world (no wonder why Muslims hate us). And now Trump spends hundreds of millions of taxpayer’s dollars, to better enable homosexuals to continue their acts of sodomy and oral copulation. Trump has been an advocate of sexual immorality, and unless the LORD saves him; it’s going to get worse. Let me make this very clear. Unless it is GODS will, there will never be a cure for AIDS, never. The best form of HIV AIDS prevention is abstinence. And the only form of ‘safe sex,’ is ‘normal sex’ between one man, and one woman, that are lawfully (Biblically) wed. Trump, Jesus said twice in Luke 13, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. And the Bible also says, do not be deceived, for God will not be mocked, and you Trump are mocking him.
Donald Trump Invites God’s Judgement by Celebrating Gay Pride Month
Today it seems that many believers faith is built upon who is in the White House. Ever hear professing Christians say the following things regarding their President of choice. “God lifts up our presidents,” or “God put him there,” or “God appoints our leaders,” or “God brings up kings” etcetera (which He does)? My question is, if their next president is like another Obama, or someone like Hillary, will they still say the same thing? Will they demonstrate the same apparent “faith?” Will they be thankful regardless? I suspect not, because their politics have shaped and formed their Theology, and their “faith” doesn’t ‘seem’ to be solely upon the Godhead.
The primary reason I left the Republican Party 12-years-ago (becoming an Independent) was their continual compromise and hypocrisy. While they repeatedly point their fingers at the errs of Democrats, their hypocritical log in their eye will silence them on stories like this. Trump’s “Criminal Reform” bill is straight out of the liberal’s handbook. The only Reforming I desire to be part of, it the Protestant Reformation movement. Because the gates of hell will not prevail against the Lord’s Church. Semper Reformanda!
And Trump hasn’t even finished his 1st term yet. Next week he’ll be spending over 800 billion more on 1 virus that God decreed. Socialism is not the answer. Repent and flee to Christ for the redemption of your sins. .
Trump: ‘My great honor’ to be called the ‘the most pro-gay president in American history’.
DISCLAIMER: I strongly disagree with the false teachings and religious pluralism behind this news source, nonetheless. In 2008 I left the GOP, in 2016 I did not vote for Trump, and in 2020 I will not vote for Trump. I lost long term personal friends (close buddies) because of that. But my Christian conscience and Biblical convictions are more important than friendship retention. Nor will I put platforms before the Godhead. My number one platform is the candidates’ view of God, Christ, and His Scriptures, lest ‘I’ commit idolatry by putting platforms before God. In 2016 I wrote-in a better candidate. Everyone told me “That’s a vote for Hillary.” But this time I will most likely write-in Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben. In my link below I want you to watch how Pence praised two sodomites in the White House, as he blasphemes our Lord. Lord let Your will be done with this wicked nation, and our fraudulent Christianity, as I trust in Your sovereignty and decrees.
I just watched President Trumps’ 46:08 minute speech entitled “The most important speech I’ve ever made.” It’s still nothing more than lots of allegations with no forensic evidence. If the SCOTUS does investigate this, I pray they will be objective and non-partisan. Trump also claimed after many investigations of him, to be “The cleanest person in America!” Sir, I’m nothing but excrement in Gods hands.
The same professing Christians that vote “pro-life” but will not vote anti-abortion, are the same that will vote for pro-homosexual Republicans. At best, that is voting for the lesser of two evils. At worse, that is acquiescing to the national sins of abortion and homosexuality. Do not be deceived, for God will not be mocked, and His due judgment is inevitable. Some of His judgments He will directly ordain (as the first cause), and some He will decree via a second cause to accomplish the first cause of His will. The world will complain, but the Christians will rejoice. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
A quality of Trump I appreciate is his willingness to go against the establishment while keeping his best interest for the people. We need pastors that will go against the establishment, keeping their congregations in their best interest, not trying to be liked by the establishment. I loathe the establishment.
Today I voted as a registered Christian. I can hardly wait to watch the faithless panic when they wake up in the morning. I can hardly wait until the 2024 presidential election .
But the Lord (‘ădônây), the Master of the universe already knows who the winners and losers are, He even decreed it beforehand. Therefore, He’s not sitting in heaven biting on His nails saying, ‘Oh no, I didn’t see that coming. What am I going to do?’
But God, who sits in heaven (yâshab) will laugh (śâchaq) at the unfaithful complainers. His Holy laughter, an expression of His sovereignty, will joyfully mock, ridicule, and scoff the faithless, the prideful, and the rebellious. Oh Lord, let Your will be done. – Psalm 2:4
Do you know Him? But more importantly, does He know you in a salvific way?
#Election2022 #ElectionResults #2022GeneralElection
Melania Trump and her work with Log Cabin Republicans.
Trump has always been an advocate and promoter of the homosexual agenda. He even agreed that he was ”the most pro-gay president in America’s history.” Including hosting gay weddings at his Mar-a-Lago resort. And let us not forget the blasphemy Pence committed in the Whitehouse with two Homos and their “big black Bible.”
The National GOP agrees with Trump to lighten up on abortion and gay marriage.
Though I will never vote Democrat. From the beginning, when Trump announced he was running for president, I warned the Church that he was pro-homosexual and pro-abortion (aka National sins). Now the National GOP leadership has capitulated with Trump to be more pro-abortion and same-sex marriage. Nonetheless, I am not telling you who to vote for. But I will not vote for the “lesser of two evils,” evil is still evil. I will vote my Biblical convictions and Christian conscience. I will again write in my choices. Either way, the Lord is Sovereign and decrees all elections. His judgment is inevitable. And I will rejoice in Him and His judgment.
Today’s election day. Though I’ve never voted Democrat, and never will. I won’t be voting for any moderate Republicans, females (aka feminism), emasculated men, or any man who’s not a consistent opponent of national sins – abortion and homosexuality. I refuse to be part of the establishment that says we have to vote for one of the choices on the ballet. This means in some votes, I will either write in my preferred choice, or I will undervote. An undervote is tactical voting, a protest vote, and/or an abstention. I am a bondslave to CHRIST, not Ceasar nor Uncle Sam. Lord, let Your will be done! #ElectionDay #ElectionDay2024
“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character. It is alleged by men of loose principles, or defective views of the subject, that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the Scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God, able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness. When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country.”
-Noah Webster, American lexicographer, legislator, political writer
From Jack Walker via Facebook.
These things make me wonder about Trump.
1. Trump watered down the GOP platform, concerning abortion, marriage, and the 2nd amendment.
2. On July 8, 2024 Melania was part of a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans, (an LGBTQ group) raising over 1.4 million dollars recently at her penthouse in New York City.
3. Trump gave us and takes credit for the COVID-19 vaccine.
4. Trump has shown support for LGBTQ+. (Romans 1:32 says anyone supporting such groups are worthy of death.)
5. Trump’s V.P. pick is married to a Hindu and he was converted to Catholicism as an adult.
6. The Sikh prayer at the convention is a huge problem.
7. Trump is becoming “God like” and has a cult following.
The Sikh prayer given by Harmeet Dhillion at the convention and the marriage to a Hindu by the V.P. candidate is especially concerning.
The Bible says in the (10) Ten Commandments,
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
In Deuteronomy chapter 28, God says he will curse Israel if they put false gods before him.
““The Lord will send on you curses, confusion, and frustration in all that you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have forsaken me.” Deuteronomy 28:20 ESV
It looks like we’re doing just that. I see this as a big problem.