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Sermon jam on ‘What it means to Biblically ‘believe’ in Jesus, in John 3:16,’ by Bill Rhetts (a counter to easy-believism)

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Sermon jam on ‘What it means to Biblically ‘believe’ in Jesus, in John 3:16,’ by Bill Rhetts (a counter to easy-believism)

This audio will help you better understand the doctrinal errors of easy-believism.

Jesus said in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

But please understand that the word “believe” in that verse is not the same as today’s English word believe.

This word “believe” in John 3:16 comes from the Greek word ‘pisteúō’ (pist-yoo-o’.) Which means to be “entrusted to,” to have “faith upon,” to “respect,” to “regard,” to “trust,” and I believe to “commit” to.

Therefore, you must do more than just ‘believe’ in Jesus Christ (as we know that English word today.)

UPDATE 11-29-16: A fellow that I love dearly referring to this post, has accused me of engaging in “Lordship salvation.” I try to make it clear that I am not teaching “Lordship salvation,” but some seem to believe otherwise.

Please ponder on this. Once we are ‘saved by grace,’ then how can we not desire to worship the Lordship of the One that saved us from our own sins, and from His Holy wrath. And the Biblical truth is, if there has never been repentance, then there was no salvation. Repentance (and obedience) is not the ‘cause’ of salvation, repentance (and obedience) is ‘because’ of salvation. An intellectual ‘belief’ is not salvific. By the grace of God, I was racially saved and radically changed by a radical God.

In this blog post, I’m in agreement with the Scriptures, I make it very clear that we cannot merit our way to salvation.

Furthermore, to “obey” the Lord is not a “works salvation.” We are to obey the Lord (2 Thess 1:7-9), we are to keep His commandments (John 14:15-31), and when we strive to keep His commandments, His commandments would not be grievous, or burdensome (1 John 5:2-4), etcetera etcetera.

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