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Two videos of many preaching @ Comic Con International San Diego, Much demonic activity & spiritual warfare, and a scathing message

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Two videos of many preaching @ Comic Con International San Diego, Much demonic activity & spiritual warfare, and a scathing hellfire message

Comic Con International brings over 150,000 souls from all over the world, to this one location. This is a great opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to the “uttermost parts of the world.” Therefore, a 30-member team of missionaries deployed for this four day weekend. There was a massive proclamation of the Gospel, that was heard by more people than any large crusade that I’ve ever attended. As well as tens of thousands tracts distributed. As well as many one-on-one conversations.

Nowhere in the Scriptures are Christians told to wait once a year, to bring an unbeliever to a crusade. But the Scriptures do tell us to bring the crusade to them.

The first video is a compilation of excerpts from Fridays outreach. I have never seen so many self-admitted Satanists in one location as today. There was a lot of blatant demonic activity. Due to some of the sexually explicit activity, by some of the females; I had to edit much out of this video.

At one point some of them that mocked and scoffed the preaching, were nearly naked (edited out.) One of them performed a sexually lewd maneuver upon Ron, as he was preaching.  That is why you will hear Ron tell them in his next message, “Your silicone won’t go past the grave. Your Botox can’t fix your wrinkles.”

Many people complained, therefore we had many encounters with the police. The police were respectful, reasonable, and professional. However in the second video, we were shut down, and moved on our way. Regardless, I wish more police agencies were as fair as the San Diego police department.

The second video is an unedited video of Ron’s ‘shock and awe’ message, which he preached in the open-air. Sadly some ‘believers’ will not appreciate this type of bold preaching. But if you had been in the midst of the scoffing that we endured today, you would appreciate it. I thank God for bold men like Ron. In law enforcement, we called this the ‘escalation of force.’

If every pulpit in America preached a monthly message like this; the lukewarm, tares or chaff would be either driven away, and/or converted. Hence, the church would be stronger.

The Lord has given Ron a unique gift of being able to boldly preach the Word of God for lengths of time, without notes, and without skipping a beat.

Keep these brave missionaries in prayer, as they will be here all weekend. They are the ‘boots on the ground,’ soldiers for the Lord Jesus Christ. This was serious battle, real spiritual warfare.

Video one of two (a compilation of excerpts from the outreach)

Ron’s a scathing shock and awe hellfire message



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