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Tag: Apologetics

Worshipping or deifying the vaccine – Podcast #52

Just a few hours after being uploaded YouTube removed this from my channel along with another “strike.”  Hence here it is via Rumble. The worship of the COVID vaccine is real. In this video I believe this Elder violates many of the Lord’s Ten Commandments, in regards to the COVID vaccine. Below is an mp3

The Hapax Legomenon in Jude 3 – a sermon excerpt

This is an excerpt from my sermon on Jude 1-4, to watch the whole sermon click here. If we want a healthy Christianity, we must do the following. Engage in Biblical apologetics (apologia). Obey the hapax legomenon to earnestly contend for the faith (epagōnizomai) and sound doctrine (hugiainō). The Greek application means to struggle with