Now that the other candidates have stepped down from the presidential race, I will respectfully say this. I am not ashamed to be an ‘out of the closet’ conservative (a real one), and most importantly a born-again Christian. But sadly much of America does not understand what a true conservative is, nor do they understand
Why I am hesitant in regards to national annual prayer events, or seasonal pro-life prayer events By Chaplain Bill Rhetts, MA I pray this honors Christ (the Bridegroom) and edifies his church (His bride). I understand that there may be a time, place and purpose for nationally recognized Christian events. But I am no longer
This post is written in the context of open-air evangelism. Though I am not ecumenical nor a religious pluralist. My Christian ‘mentors at-large’ come from a balance of doctrinal persuasions, and most of them are dead. Hence, I follow no man, but the Godman Jesus Christ. There are extremes on all sides of each equation.
What does it mean to be “Blessed,” and how do we Biblically understand and apply this word? by Bill Rhetts, MA (Disclaimer: This applies only to born-again Christians) A Biblical word that is often misunderstood, misused, and misapplied is the word “blessed.” Such as “I’m blessed,” “be blessed,” “God bless you,” etcetera etcetera. The prosperity
One of the biggest obstacles that orthodox open-air preachers face, are those that profess to be Christian. Understandably many of them are either new converts, or false converts. Others are being convicted of either their un-repented sins(s), and/or apathy. Having said that, I will zoom-in on one particular type of opponent. That is the believer
Should Christians go out evangelizing alone? by Oracio Sandoval From time to time I am asked if I go out evangelizing on my own, and if so, why. I guess one of the main reasons I’m asked this is due to the fact that Christ sent out the disciples two by two (Mark 6:7). So
The verse ‘Let all things be done decently and in order’ – what does 1st Corinthians 14:40 mean? Last night at a non-disclosed venue a brother in Christ spoke to me about my open-air evangelism. He advised that my open-air preaching is “unbiblical.” I asked him why so. He specifically spoke about a comment that
Since writing this position paper, the Lord has changed my doctrinal beliefs to be more Biblically orthodox, reformed, and Calvinistic. Lord willing, one day, I might revise the entire article, in the meantime. (this is the abridged online version, re-written in 1st person) TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This article
The fallacy of taking Matthew 12:19 out of context; Jesus never opposed open-air street preaching by Bill Rhetts Many of those that oppose open-air preaching, will attempt to use Matthew 12:19, to imply that Jesus would not have preached out in the open air, or the streets. The problem is, they are either intentionally, and/or
It breaks my heart when I see professing Christians quarreling on Facebook. The Bible says that Gods’ angels rejoice when one sinner repents (Luke 15:10.) However, I believe Satan rejoices when Christians quarrel or argue on Facebook. I’ve even seen a ‘believer’ reply in a Facebook comment, “well it’s my first amendment right, to say