After spending a week reviewing many articles, videos, and Podcasts from various ‘professing’ Christians regarding the Chick-fil-A saga, I again saw nothing but compromise, and a lack of discernment. But in this Podcast I reveal that the Salvation Army is pro homosexual, including gay marriage. I also share some experiences as a police officer, and
These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
Before you read this news article, I wanted to share some of my own thoughts. Bear in mind I have only read two articles, one by The Christian Post and the article below. I have done no further investigation. In the context of jurisprudence, the person in this article should be considered innocent, until proven
I believe this review has provided an opportunity to teach, discern, edify, sanctify Christ’s bride (Holy Spirit willing), and to glorify the Lord. Recently while at a particular venue, the Pastor recommended a booklet being made available entitled ‘Homosexuality and the Bible,’ authored by R. Nicholas Black, and published by New Growth Press and Harvest
As I prepared for this expository study (other than one scholar), I studied under the teachings of scholars from the 1400’s up to the 1800’s. Therefore, this teaching will not be ‘watered down’ with contemporary fruffles. We will learn of the dangers of ‘walking’ with non-saved ‘friends.’ We will also learn how to ‘Biblically’ love
Are all sins equal to all other sins? In the fear of God, for the glory of God, and by the grace of God, I submit this video to you. For an additional blog post where I talk about professing Christians that go on ‘double dates’ with the sexually immoral, in hopes to “witness” to
My brief election sermon that perhaps would be heard from the pulpits of our Nation centuries ago By Bill Rhetts This post applies to Christians only, and does not apply to non- Christians; nor should we expect this from them. One of the worst characteristics that the Lord Jesus refuted, resisted, and rebuked; was hypocrisy.
This goes against the grain of our Americanized westernized emergent Christianity. But those of us that live in the USA must think more like Christ, and less like Americans. When we can fully comprehend that, then we will be more like His bride. Update: The first comment to this video was that there’s “nothing wrong
In the name of tolerance this passage is rarely taught us such, and it is rarely applied. In this exegetical study we will see when and how the Lord calls born-again Christians to scope-out, identify, mark, and avoid a false teacher, and/or the skandalon. As well as how we are sinning when we do not
The verse ‘Let all things be done decently and in order’ – what does 1st Corinthians 14:40 mean? Last night at a non-disclosed venue a brother in Christ spoke to me about my open-air evangelism. He advised that my open-air preaching is “unbiblical.” I asked him why so. He specifically spoke about a comment that