This video will cause me to lose more friends. But in spite of its unpopularity, a Christian must espouse a Biblical worldview, and take a Christian stance. This is also how a Christian should demonstrate, and apply Ephesians 5:1-21. I’m seeing an increase of YouTube channels that are known for decent Doctrine, but consistently sound
There’s a difference between a ‘healthy’ church, and a ‘Biblical’ church. A ‘healthy’ church will be (including but not limited to), a disciplined church, a church that disciples each other, an accountable church, a church with a membership, a small church, a church the prays often with each other, an expository / exegetical teaching church,
Pastor Albert Martin gives a scathing message about ‘Christian’ women that dress in ways that cause men to lust (adultery in the heart.) As Martin said, “Ladies, get hold of this principal. Purity of your motive, does not cancel the effects of your appearance.” May I add thou men are more ‘visually oriented’ than woman.
Brethren, God-fearing men come to church to see more Christ, not more cleavage, mid-drift, or thighs. As a friend once told me, “God-fearing men come to church to keep their eyes on the Prize, not on her thighs.” Men should not have to be faced with the visualization of exposed – sexually oriented body parts
Sermon notes: Electronics can be a blessing, but they should never replace our traditional paper back Bibles. When we use our smart phones, iPods, iPads or the big screen as the primary source for reading the Word of God; then there is no longer a need to actually search thru the Scriptures. We should be
An expository teaching of Proverbs Chap 11, which includes but is not limited to ~ Dishonesty vs honesty Business ethics Many different forms of perversity The most memorized verses by the world and/or carnal believers Biblical judging vs unbiblical judging What legalism is not How not to dress your pet pig Modesty, the Redlands Pastors