But sadly, liberal ‘professing’ Christians, as well as many dispensationalists are twisting Scripture proclaiming the death penalty was nullified in the New Covenant. Understandably, some dispensationalists are proponents of the death penalty. Regardless, the egalitarian seen at timestamp 1:29 in the video below is sinfully leading this protest against God’s immutable Law. She shouldn’t even
With the recent unjustified terrorist attack on Israel, I have seen intense dialog on social media. Some are clearly pro-Hamas, some Palestine, others are pro-Israel. I am also seeing Arminian pastors telling others “Keep your eyes on Israel,” as they wrongfully “prophesy” the events as they unfold. Consequently, I have been asked to clarify my position
Disclaimer: Evidently, prior to what’s depicted in this video, these ladies were preaching. Though we should be thankful they are evangelizing. I do not believe women should preach publicly. Therefore, I do not endorse that method of their evangelism. In this video, you will see a group of Jews cursing, spitting on, assaulting, and kicking
The following are my sermon notes and commentary on Psalm 1, for our Sunday School class. By the grace of God, the glory of God, the exaltation of Christ, and the edification of His church. Brief IntroThis first Psalm was most likely written by David, and was written over 1,000 years before Christ’s birth.This first
Thanks for your podcast, as I’ve said before. I am a former Dispensationalist today I still have to fight against that former teaching. Dispensationalism is not just one error. Dispensationalism is the mothership that leads to many other errors. And saying I’m only a “leaky dispensationalist,” is tantamount to saying ‘I only have a little
President Biden recently committed blasphemy (again) against Almighty God. After playing that video, I discuss covenant theology vs. dispensationalism, and then imprecatory prayers. Regarding my comments against public schools, I failed to mention the solution, which is homeschooling. If the Secret Service desires to visit my home, you’re wasting your valuable time. As while I
The LORD has brought this wretched sinner a long way from his former false teachings of arminianism and dispensationalism (or leaky dispensationalism). And so, it grieves me to see how many professing confessional believers are truncating important doctrines from their confessions of faith. We saw this demonstrated in how most elders and parishioners wrongfully handled
This is an exposition of Hebrews 6:13-20. • Vs 13-18 will be ‘God’s Infallible Purpose in Christ’ & the doctrine of Impassability • Vs 19-20 will be ‘Christ, as the Anchor of our soul & salvation & the Man behind the second curtain In vs 17 he said “So when God desired to show more
In this sermon excerpt, I discuss my former errs of dispensationalism, intentionally disobeying the Fourth Commandment – to keep the Sabbath Day holy. That we need to keep this commandment, but when necessary, to be graceful to our military and first responders that protect us on Sundays. How the Lord used me to thwart active
This was a difficult sermon to preach. Afterward, I tendered my resignation as pastor, giving them a six-week notice. My wife and I love this church dearly, and we will miss them dearly. But Lord willing, by faith, we are transitioning into a new chapter in our life; with new opportunities – Deo volente! In