Bit of a rough start, but the Lord prevailed. Praise the Lord for how he worked thru this crowd. By the grace of God I was able to preach the whole counsel of God, pray for people, and engage in one on ones. I also distributed tracts to them. You will also hear from two
On Friday we evangelized the infamous Boardwalk in Venice Beach (LAPD Pacific Division). As my partner Daniel stated “It’s a 2-mile open bar,” where sinister activity is highly encouraged. The Boardwalk is full of hippies, sorcerers, the occult, even a black man that claims to be Christ. This is an internationally known tourist attraction, hence
“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). My dear friend Pastor Marco gained knowledge that this 3-day Satanic festival was to take place in the area of the church that he pastors.
Folks if you’re one that believes that the only form of evangelism is the “Jesus with the woman at the well” scenario, or ‘casual conversationalism,’ you’re free to do so (and I do support those methods as well). However when you examine the Scriptures, the ‘public open-air preaching’ of the Gospel was the most utilized
The Apostle Paul set his sights to preach in places where Christ had never been preached. That is what the Lord is pressing us to do. “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation,” Romans 15:20. The following
Today I evangelized many bus stops. This video uploaded to show how the enemy not only reject tracts, but also how the enemy tries to stop anyone else from receiving tracts. It’s wise to ignore the swine, but to not give up on the others. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked;
This is why law abiding citizens must carry loaded concealed firearms. However these ‘Knockout victims’ would have never had a chance to use their firearm. Walking in ‘groups’ with a ‘designated shooter,’ will detour this crime. Self-defense is Biblical. The Lord Jesus was not a pacifist. He even admonished them to buy a weapon. “He
Today I preached, and cried out, in front of this nude bar. I was present no longer than 30 minutes. Thou they may not understand it yet. Nevertheless, what was “harassing” these folks, was the Sword of His Spirit. An interesting observation, was they had a large male bouncer walking in and out of that
Two videos of many preaching @ Comic Con International San Diego, Much demonic activity & spiritual warfare, and a scathing hellfire message Comic Con International brings over 150,000 souls from all over the world, to this one location. This is a great opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to the “uttermost parts of the world.” Therefore, a