This is an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (the last chapter of the Old Testament). Included in these 6 verses are lots of action, and the prophetic words from the Prophet Malachi. Also included is Gods judgment, Gods destruction, God’s wrath, Gods love, and Gods protection for His church. I also included a plea
Folks if you’re one that believes that the only form of evangelism is the “Jesus with the woman at the well” scenario, or ‘casual conversationalism,’ you’re free to do so (and I do support those methods as well). However when you examine the Scriptures, the ‘public open-air preaching’ of the Gospel was the most utilized
I had been laboring at this location for many days (preached many sermons & distributed hundreds of tracts). Today I distributed more tracts to everyone there on all four sides of the location. I then chose one particular side to open-air preach. During this message, I was able to apply the aforementioned experience that I
The pedestrian traffic at Redlands East Valley high school is minimal compared to other schools. Most either leave in vehicles or buses. But it’s not about numbers, it’s not about drawing a crowd. It’s about submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
“Lord, help me to live worthy of the calling You’ve given to me. Help me to love You more than any worldly amusement, temporary pleasure, or earthly comfort. You have rescued me! I want to live for YOU!” Allura Lightfoot
Today I preached two sermons at the beach. One on the sand at the shoreline, and the other at the pier. I also distributed many Gospel tracts. Music “Smooth Ridin,” provided YouTube.
UPDATE MAY 6TH: To God be the glory, the trip was amazing. The progress/praise report is below this post. As the Lord leads, my goal is to evangelize many cities throughout many states. However not to do so by utilizing post-modern forms of evangelicalism. Time is short, and life is but a vapor, so I
By God’s grace many evangelists teamed up for this outreach. We were able to distribute lots of Gospel tracts, engaged in many ‘one on one’ conversations. Four of us did some open-air preaching, and another engaged the community in multiple ‘are you a good person’ tests, ect. Video 1/2 (GoPro view) Video 2/2 (other view)
Brethren, a Biblical fact is courage is not an option, it is a commandment. It is a Biblical expectation, it is an evidence of salvation. Regarding the below verse, take note that Jesus named the ‘cowardly’ amongst other wicked sins. Actually the cowardly are mentioned first. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers,