I probably should have let him ramble-on more, but it is not my intent to embarrass people by later exposing them on the internet. Another interesting observation, is notice the pride i.e. “I am a celibate.” Every person that is truly born-again, is commanded to abstain from all forms of sexually immorality. And if they
After preaching this sermon I had some productive ‘one on ones.’ One lady advised she is a Jehovah Witness, and she seemed to respond fairly well to this message. Our conversation was too private, hence I edited it out. Only the Lord knows what the results will be. She advised she will be emailing me
Throughout the Scriptures the Lord Jesus forewarned His church about this. Yes He told us before it became news. But as I stated in my most recent expository teaching on 2 Timothy 3:1-5, “There is no doubt that today we are witnessing an increase in severity of these perilous and violent times.” Pay particular attention to
What the fellow said at the end, is an all too common claim heard by the unregenerate, “You’re disturbing the peace.” My response to him was Biblical. For further, see my video teaching on ‘The Great White Throne Judgment (with violence, Jesus casts them into hell – Rev 20:11-15).’ It’s been said “people on earth
In this video I give an exegetical teaching of Gods prophetic Word in regards to many end-times warnings. I go over each characteristic and attribute of today’s false converts, wolves, (and/or false teachers). I also share some personal experiences, and how Christians must avoid these sins. As well as what the translations of each specific
Now that the other candidates have stepped down from the presidential race, I will respectfully say this. I am not ashamed to be an ‘out of the closet’ conservative (a real one), and most importantly a born-again Christian. But sadly much of America does not understand what a true conservative is, nor do they understand
If you’re looking for eloquent speech, polished words, and a professional voice inflection; you won’t find it here. Sorry about the new word I invented “O’believe.” It does have an Irish pronunciation to it. 😉 After preaching this message, this woman approached me. She admitted that she was married, but was pregnant with a child
Here I preached from Romans 7:7-12. To know more about thee aforementioned unbiblical sinner prayers, raise your hand altar calls, and unbiblical “accept Jesus” methodologies click on my article here.
During this sermon I preached the Law and the Gospel. I warned them of unhealthy ‘churches,’ unbiblical soteriology; and false conversions. I informed them of how repentance comes to us, what we do with it; as well as a call to repentance. One fellow later responded to this message admitting that he was considering a
This goes against the grain of our Americanized westernized emergent Christianity. But those of us that live in the USA must think more like Christ, and less like Americans. When we can fully comprehend that, then we will be more like His bride. Update: The first comment to this video was that there’s “nothing wrong