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Tag: Eschatology

Video of an Off-Road Trip to ‘Gods Judgment a Water Drought’

Correction: This dam did once serve its purpose. Nonetheless the droughts are increasing. “Jeeps aren’t for kids, they’re for missionaries” – Bill Rhetts. To know more about eternal life, how to know Gods love, and how to be saved from His wrath, click on this link. Repent – believe in and trust Jesus – obey

A must see documentary ‘Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccination’

DISCLAIMER: The following documentary is not a Christian produced/directed film. Hence IPOC Ministries is not aligning themselves with the producer, director, nor any other person(s) affiliated with this film. IPOC is not an anti-government organization. However as your sheepdog, I believe in warning the sheep. – Chaplain Bill. A Christian friend from California Nurses for

A Must See Video of Senator Cruz & Kelly Shackelford Speaking Out against Houston Mayor Annise Parker, and her Gestapo Tactic of Subpoenaing Pastors Sermons

Church as you should know by now, Houston’s mayor Annise Parker has served multiple Houston pastors with subpoenas, demanding that they turn over their sermons. If not, they would be held in contempt of court. This woman needs some sensitivity and diversity training. Actually she needs salvation thru Christ, and repentance. Isn’t it interesting how