In this passage we teach, learn, or reaffirm (including but not limited to), about the driven, the doomed, and the damned (they are contrary to verses 1-3). We also learn more about Gods judgment, hell, and His wrath. We learn about the incidents of false converts in our congregations, and the ‘unbiblical soteriologies,’ that create
As I prepared for this expository study (other than one scholar), I studied under the teachings of scholars from the 1400’s up to the 1800’s. Therefore, this teaching will not be ‘watered down’ with contemporary fruffles. We will learn of the dangers of ‘walking’ with non-saved ‘friends.’ We will also learn how to ‘Biblically’ love
As it says in Jude, Christians are to “contend for the faith.” But it seems there’s an increasing need to ‘contend for soberness’ and sanctification amongst the brethren. I was told by a Pastor (who is a user, and ‘proponent’ of alcohol consumption), that he looks forward to, and “can’t wait” to literally drink “fine
This video is in response to a ‘get well card’ that I received at the Post Office. This well-intended person stated in writing, that according to 1 Peter 2:24, my defected heart should have been healed. Therefore in response, I did an exegetical teaching on what this verse actually means.
The ‘prosperity’ and ‘word of faith’ false teachers teach that anytime a Christian man (or woman) suffers, that it is because of “sin in their life.” That is an unbiblical assessment. Yes it is true that the Lord does chasten those whom He loves, and He does still punish Christians via various methods, including death.
In this video I give an exegetical teaching of Gods prophetic Word in regards to many end-times warnings. I go over each characteristic and attribute of today’s false converts, wolves, (and/or false teachers). I also share some personal experiences, and how Christians must avoid these sins. As well as what the translations of each specific
At the moment of that salvific conception, a person that receives the supernatural born-again experience receives a circumcised heart. The Theology of the Lords Seed is a miracle that I cannot fully understand. But what must follow is an inceptive growth of the circumcision of sanctification. Does a woman just become pregnant? No, at conception
In fear of offending their non-converted flocks, many pastors will not expound on this passage. When Paul warned in 2 Cor 11:1-4 about those that follow ‘another Jesus,’ a ‘different Spirit, and a ‘different Gospel.’ He wasn’t’ specifically addressing cults (as most pastors teach). He was addressing Protestants that profess to be born-again. So many
In the name of tolerance this passage is rarely taught us such, and it is rarely applied. In this exegetical study we will see when and how the Lord calls born-again Christians to scope-out, identify, mark, and avoid a false teacher, and/or the skandalon. As well as how we are sinning when we do not
This expositional teaching of the 3rd Epistle of John includes but is not limited to. The importance of the truth (although 2nd John covers the “truth” much better. More on what does the Bible say about assisting the brethren in need? I discussed a contrast between some local churches that over-spend, to two local churches