Eric Ludy read heretic Rob Bells’ newest ’emerging church’ book. Bells’ heresies and false doctrines drove Eric to an even more righteous indignation; hence to preach this prolific message. But it’s not just Bell’s book, it’s many others. He also talks about the heretical, immoral, criminally minded, Bible publisher called Zondervan. For over a decade
Because of the state of the church, and the nation, we don’t deserve a blessing. We deserve what’s coming to us. Lord let Your will be done! Update 11/21/22: Since the rise of females being elected has rapidly increased, the judgment of God has justifiably increased. And by God’s grace, since I’ve grown to
Brethren, God-fearing men come to church to see more Christ, not more cleavage, mid-drift, or thighs. As a friend once told me, “God-fearing men come to church to keep their eyes on the Prize, not on her thighs.” Men should not have to be faced with the visualization of exposed – sexually oriented body parts
Tonight was our first night in our expositional study through the book of Proverbs. This below sermon includes, but is not limited to ~ A brief introduction to this great book the preamble or prologue shunning evil the call to wisdom to fear the Lord receiving wise council vs rejecting it feminism in the church,
Below is my audio sermon from last nights service. It is an expository teaching thru Revelation Chap 2:18 thru Chap 3:6. Jesus’ letters to the church of Thyatira (the corrupt church,) & the church of Sardis (the dead church.) Additionally, I spoke about the castration and the feminization of men in the church throughout America. Taking