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Tag: Homestead

My Gadsden flag is not for looks, it is a warning

My new 5’x8′ Gadsden Flag flying underneath the Tennessee flag. My Gadsden flag is not for looks; it is a warning. It is not offensive, it is defensive. In other words, I will not come to your home, office, or capitol to cause you trouble. But on the defense, if necessary, I am prepared to

The Bushwhacker and his Massey Ferguson 931X

Since the day we bought this homestead, we knew our corrals and pastures needed work, and would require ongoing maintenance. Bushwhacking would be a good start. They were overcome with thick thistles that are not edible for our furry friends. At times our Donkey disappeared as he was searching for good grass to graze on.

Throwing hay, the modern way

We hired Crazy K Ranch to do some more work on our homestead. This time they brought in dump truck loads of topsoil to compliment the manure. After their excavation on the previous job, my goal now is to turn this dirt area into grass, rather than the slippery mud that the winter brings. As

We’re three months into being Tennesseans

Well, we’ve been residents of Tennessee for 12 weeks, and we’re ahead of schedule. Though I will not disclose all of the work we’ve completed on our homestead, last Friday was a busy day. One fellow began the construction of our livestock shelter in one of our pastures. Another company and their fine men replaced

Angus, Birds, Deer, Donkey & Fowl, all from the porch

Usually, the Deer congregate on the back side of our homestead, and they prefer the dark early morning hours. But this evening while taking a break on the front porch, I saw this White Tail Doe and was able to grab a zoomable camera just in time. It beats the city, that’s for darn sure.