The courage of these midwives is a great testimony and witness to how Christians, Pastors, and Churches today should resist and disobey the governing authorities, when they tell us to go against the Scriptures, or our Christian belief. We need more men today, like the midwives then.
Listen to this prolific provocative speech by the late Congressman Henry Hyde against Partial Birth Abortion. That was back when a large percentage of the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party. This Bill passed in 1976.
Though Samuel Little’s confessions have forensic penitential value, but will he ever become Biblically repentant? Truth is, if God chooses this serial killer to become one of His elect, then the Lord will grant him repentance, and his confessions will then go to God; rather than through man. And if Little becomes saved, he will
There seems to be a growing trend amongst professing Christians. An erroneous belief that somehow God gives a pass to all victims of murder. Brethren, our emotions should never change our Theology. Without equivocation, I believe in the Biblical doctrines of a ‘particular limited atonement,’ and ‘original sin.’ Which also means that ‘regardless of age,’
Disclaimer: Regardless of the age of the unborn fetus, abortion is murder. Last week New York legislators passed the Reproductive Health Act, which Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law. This new law allows pregnant mothers to make a “decision” to murder her baby at the full-term of their pregnancy. The word “homicide” has been omitted
Last night close to midnight a gunman entered the Borderline Bar in Thousand Oaks. Whereas he tragically shot many of the patrons. So far 13 have succumbed to their fatal gunshot wounds. Understandably so, both liberals and conservatives are already politicizing off this massacre. So I decided to ‘evangelize off’ of it. Interestingly many in
This is difficult to watch. I could not imagine how this mother felt, and the pain she’s still enduring today, prayers up. According to the below Live Action web site ~ “In a heartbreaking video released by Created Equal, Amanda, the mother of premature twin boys Emery and Elliot, can be heard pleading for her sons’
This sounds like a plot right out of a movie. Whereas 44 year old John Grazioli walks into a Catholic “Church” (word used loosely) in Erie Pennsylvania, to confess to the priest that he had just shot and killed his wife. However while Grazioli is still on scene, the church notifies the police. The police
Another police officer in my area has been killed, and another wounded. This shooting occurred in the neighborhood where my family lived back in the 1960’s. Please pray for their families and the department. I will need your prayers as well. As with other police deaths, Lord willing I hope to again share the Gospel
The aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting seems to be exhibiting more ‘political’ trajectories than the bullet trajectories. People are pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is now irresponsibly blaming the NRA. He’s blaming his department’s egregious errs on a lack of staffing, and a lack of