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Tag: Open-air preaching

Video of a man punching a female, a street preacher intervenes, and the message still gets preached – at the Social Security office – viewer discretion is advised, much profanity

As I was approaching this crowd, I witnessed this coward punch this woman twice. It was then that I realized that I encountered this same man last month. He’s an advocate of marijuana use. Sadly he professes (alleges) to be a Christian, and alleges to have gone to “Bible college.” He is the byproduct of

Video Evangelizing Palm Springs – April 2018 (the glory of the Lord caused various results, including a mad-man who threatened me, and went after me)

This was an interesting day. I engaged in various methods of evangelism. From casual conversations, to engaging hostile enemies of Christ, to stop-light preaching, to crying-out, to witnessing to cults, to standing elevated heralding the Gospel, to the public reading of the Scriptures, to Biblically judging and Biblically rebuking a professing Christian, to distributing hundreds

Video open-air preaching from Revelation 19, a Jewish woman tells me my preaching is “obnoxious & offensive,” many Christians rejoice (private conversations edited out)

I preached out of Revelation 19. I refuted the unbiblical portraits of Jesus that many have inside their churches and homes, and told them what the Scriptures say about His appearance. I spoke of the fate of America, and warned them of unbiblical soteriologies. I called them to repentance, and compelled them to be entrusted