As I was approaching this crowd, I witnessed this coward punch this woman twice. It was then that I realized that I encountered this same man last month. He’s an advocate of marijuana use. Sadly he professes (alleges) to be a Christian, and alleges to have gone to “Bible college.” He is the byproduct of
This was an interesting day. I engaged in various methods of evangelism. From casual conversations, to engaging hostile enemies of Christ, to stop-light preaching, to crying-out, to witnessing to cults, to standing elevated heralding the Gospel, to the public reading of the Scriptures, to Biblically judging and Biblically rebuking a professing Christian, to distributing hundreds
Many Christians are waiting for a revival, but they’re right here in our own neighborhoods. Nowhere in the Scriptures are we told to “Wait for an opportunity,” to share the Gospel, as many Christians suppose. God has already foreordination these opportunities in the open air. “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may
This blind lady is a precious saint. But what a contrast from another woman last month. Last month a ‘professing’ Christian woman became angry at my preaching. She even called me an “ego maniac,” and “very offensive.” I have that unedited video available via a password protected link, but only for my like-minded brethren. The
Friday morning I preached from Psalm 67. Once completed this gentleman passed me a note, asking where I preached from in the Bible. I wish I could have been more helpful.
This morning I preached from Romans 8:28-30. I appreciate the woman that told me to “Speak it loud!” One man raised his hand in the middle of my sermon. I’m glad I ignored him, I later learned he is a Hebrew Israelite. Usually they are very aggressive, but this one was somewhat reasonable. Many engaged in
This morning I street preached from Revelation 5:11-14. Though I did not preach much on the Law or sin, the tracts do cover it. After preaching this message, many asked for prayer, some engaged in conversations, others in Q&A. A Jewish woman was humbled by the Lords Word. Even people sitting inside their vehicles asked
This reminds me of an incident that occurred in Riverside, when I and another Christian were swarmed by Satanists, and one of them wielded a large knife in a threatening manner. We called the police, and deployed an Acts 14:1-7 tactical retreat. But once we got safely in our vehicles, we cancelled the police response 🙂 But
I preached out of Revelation 19. I refuted the unbiblical portraits of Jesus that many have inside their churches and homes, and told them what the Scriptures say about His appearance. I spoke of the fate of America, and warned them of unbiblical soteriologies. I called them to repentance, and compelled them to be entrusted