This is to be expected in countries like Turkey. But it’s already occurring in America, as street preachers are increasingly being assaulted and arrested for preaching in the streets. It’s interesting to see the online chatter, as to how some Christians in America are responding to this. Christians within America ought to respond with more
I had not heard about this story until today. The story whereas, “Former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw became a national villain and target of the social justice mob in the summer of Ferguson. He was convicted of sexual assault-related crimes against eight black women. His sentence: 263 years. But what if he didn’t
Yes this news is sad, but at the same time I rejoice, and when the courts get worse, I will rejoice even more. I have come to a point in my life (as the Lord sanctifies me more), that I desire to be less of an American. I now belong to a holy nation (1
My below remarks are in the context of, and response to, what most refer to as “persecution,” or “harassment;” for sharing or preaching the Gospel. When evangelists in the USA get cited or arrested, we need to respond like Biblical Christians, not like Americans. In the book of Acts the Apostles didn’t complain, nor did
Not knowing that his new student (a female) had self-identified herself as a boy, math teacher Joshua Sutcliffe rightfully referred to his new student as a “girl.” Consequently he has been suspended pending further investigation, and possible termination. This charge is obviously malevolent. But I took notice of something in particular that this Christian school
This is sad news. First the Christian Baker in Colorado, and now these Christian Bakers in Oregon. According to Todd Starnes web site, and a court filing, this lesbian couple “alleged they had suffered depression, embarrassment, hysteria, impaired digestion, nervous appetite, weight gain, and mental anguish. They also said they felt “mentally raped.” But to
On December 20th 2017 the city of El Paso authorized a public event called, “A Drag Queen Christmas. The Naughty Tour.” This was an event where members of the homosexual community seized the opportunity to further commit blasphemy, by making a mockery out of a season that is generally set apart to honor the birth of
UPDATE 06/03/18: The U.S Supreme Court ruled in a 7-2 decision, in partial favor of the Baker. However had the SCOTUS ruled against the Baker, Christians must obey God’s Law over mans. More about the courts decision here. I urge all Christians to begin praying for this court and their justices. Moreover, Jack Phillips and his
If a Christian’s walk is not divisively different in this world, then we are not walking ‘in Christ,’ according to the Gospel. Our Christian lives ought to be scandalous. Not scandalous as in ‘sin or compromise,’ but scandalous because we are clearly so different than the rest of the unsaved world. Which includes but is
The photographs and video footage used in this video, are from my own personal files. In this expository teaching I go over (including but not limited to) 1. DAVID’S TRIALS (AND OURS) A. The Multiplicity of His Foes (vs 1) B. The Malignity of His Foes (vs 2) 2. DAVID’S TRUST (AND OURS) A. His