However this will not be the time ‘for all’ to hide out, some must ‘go out’ and preach the glorious Gospel. And all the born-again believers said “amen.” For more links on persecution, click on our persecution tag here. For more Watchman applicable posts, click on our Watchman tag here.
He is correct that most of America’s churchianity have a pacifists view of verses on persecution. Sadly today many professed Christians are playing church. Therefore I believe this persecution will be a good thing. This would separate the wheat from the chaff. This would drive Christ’s truly saved church (the bride of Christ) into Acts
Thou I mourn for the people in harm’s way, I do not find this to be discouraging. I find much encouragement in this, as we are getting closer. Thus saith the Scriptures. Lord let Your will be done, for You are Sovereign. Brethren fear God, nurture His bride, obey the Gospel, and preach the glorious
The Lord provided a team of five Christians. They were myself, Tatsuo, Lucas, David and his son Xavier. We utilized various methods of evangelism. We distributed over 1,200 Gospel tracts (but much more people ‘heard’ the Gospel,) and we engaged in many fruitful ‘one on one’ conversations. In this video you will see me being
Understandably so I see a lot of Republicans and/or Christians celebrating last night’s election victories. However I would encourage you to watch and listen to my below 10-minute video (in its entirety). Listen to the Scriptures, but also listen to the numbers (the math) regarding our Nations debt. Bear in mind this video’s almost three
“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). My dear friend Pastor Marco gained knowledge that this 3-day Satanic festival was to take place in the area of the church that he pastors.
Church as you should know by now, Houston’s mayor Annise Parker has served multiple Houston pastors with subpoenas, demanding that they turn over their sermons. If not, they would be held in contempt of court. This woman needs some sensitivity and diversity training. Actually she needs salvation thru Christ, and repentance. Isn’t it interesting how
This preacher is so right about mega-churches, but the same problem exists with many small and mid-sized churches. To answer his question “If they don’t find Him [God] in the church, where are they gonna find Him?” I totally understand this preacher’s heart, but the Biblical way they will “find Him,” is by sending the sheep
This video is 7 years old, but is especially applicable today. Thou the number of the holocaust was much greater than 6,000,000, this is a great video. It’s been said that “silence = consent.” May I add that silence and inaction is not only consent, it is tantamount to anti-Semitism. “Therefore to him that knoweth
The movie ‘Last Ounce of Courage,’ by Hellfighter Productions I recommend watching this excellent movie about God, country, patriotism, duty, honor, sacrifice, family, and being a freedom fighter. Our freedoms in this great country are rapidly eroding away. But most of the church is assuming the role of the proverbial ostrich with her head in