The disgraced Alistair Begg wrongfully pulls the “Pharisee” card if you speak against his unbiblical position on attending “gay weddings” or against immorality. And, he sinfully claims those who do are probably closet homosexuals or sexually immoral. Perhaps this egregious false teacher-backslider is now doing the work of the Devil as he maliciously slanders those
With the understandable controversy over Alister Begg preaching at the 2024 Shepherds Conference (more about that here), I decided to look at their speaker lineup. Egalitarianism According to the below video, John Piper is an egalitarian. Though the Scriptures forbid a woman to teach, preach, or demonstrate authority over men, and to remain silent in the
The Triunity of the Godhead, His Law, the Gospel, and His Scriptures must be the Vanguard of the pro-life movement. Lest ‘the cause’ becomes a social justice gospel, or the fetus becomes idolatry. The Triunity of the Godhead, the Gospel, and His Scriptures must be the Vanguard of ekklésia (the church). Otherwise, it is not
With the recent unjustified terrorist attack on Israel, I have seen intense dialog on social media. Some are clearly pro-Hamas, some Palestine, others are pro-Israel. I am also seeing Arminian pastors telling others “Keep your eyes on Israel,” as they wrongfully “prophesy” the events as they unfold. Consequently, I have been asked to clarify my position
Introduction I am seeing a Facebook meme passed around like popcorn. It was created by a professing Christian who named his ministry after himself. Making a first person – personal pronoun ministry named after yourself has always been a red flag to me. 🤮 I was going to name the man and his ministry and
This is what much of America’s evangelicalism endorsed. Rather than earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3), they earnestly contended for a pro-homosexual ticket. I’m not against those that voted that way, I am empathetic toward their reasoning. But to contend for a President and not the faith is idolatry. But hey, “he’s a lesser
According to Fox 17 WZTV news, during a permitted “pride festival” at a public park, a “prayer group” was asked to leave. The police responded and escorted them out of the park. I did not know about this event until I read this article. Nor do I know the people in this “prayer group,” or their doctrine
One of the many churches we visited last year had much potential. But during Sunday school, I learned they capitulated to egalitarianism, and so I left. But before leaving, we had an impromptu debate. I used the Scriptures, and their Deacon used the history of the apostatizing SBC. Today I ran into one of the
A friend and brother in Christ whom I love dearly emailed the below video to me. The minister gave this speech before the Oxford Union Society on the topic of “Christianity, inclusivism, and same-sex acts.” It has since become popularly known as “The Speech That Shocked the World!” Though his speech may be conservative according
There’s been much discussion on the internet on this subject, and I have been asked to clarify my position. This is not an article or a position paper. It is merely a blog post to state my position on these doctrines. These are not secondary issues. Common Grace The doctrine of Common Grace wrongfully teaches