Día de los Muertos is a holiday celebrated by many Roman Catholics, and this Day of the Dead is also known as All Souls Day. In the below Doritos commercial, Doritos depicts a family visiting a memorial (or gravesite) of their deceased Uncle Alberto. Alberto then reappears and introduces his homosexual “partner” Mario. Alberto’s elderly
Todd Friel’s interpretation (or application) of Romans 13 is a man-centered eisegesis, to say the least. At timestamp 16:00 he states, “if the government tells me to put pinwheels on the side my head every time I go to Publix, I’m gonna put pinwheels on the side of my head.” This cowardly pacifist wrong view
In this Podcast I discuss G3 Josh Buice and Paul Washer’s wrong application of Romans 13 during the COVID “pandemic.” And I give examples how I have Biblically applied this Text as a police officer, which includes praising one Church, while killing an assassin at another Church. Remember church. It is not discernment when one
Just a few hours after being uploaded YouTube removed this from my channel along with another “strike.” Hence here it is via Rumble. The worship of the COVID vaccine is real. In this video I believe this Elder violates many of the Lord’s Ten Commandments, in regards to the COVID vaccine. Below is an mp3
Is country music icon Dolly Parton a false convert? Fact is, if an unregenerate person or an unrepentant Christian sit in a healthy Biblical Church, they will either be offended and leave, be convicted saved and converted, and/or be convicted repent and be restored. It appears Dolly does not have that type of Church. Let’s
Sadly, today perhaps a majority of professing Christians believe it is wrong to call out false teachers by name. In the below video ReformedWiki did an excellent job while using excerpts from Dr. Voddie Baucham to Biblically defend naming names. This is encouraging as I am currently teaching through the Epistle of Jude, and have
As a former fornicator, and a person who has had lust in my heart for a woman that was not my wife (aka adultery in the heart), only by the grace of God has He shown me how wicked my own sin was and is. In this sermon I discuss the relationship between the fallen
This is sermon one of an exposition of the Epistle of Jude. But in vs 3c he tells them that it is “necessary” to “appeal” to them, and to “contend for the faith.” If this warning to “contend for the faith” was needed then, then how much more is it needed now. Even amongst the
This is an excerpt from my sermon on Jude 1-4, to watch the whole sermon click here. If we want a healthy Christianity, we must do the following. Engage in Biblical apologetics (apologia). Obey the hapax legomenon to earnestly contend for the faith (epagōnizomai) and sound doctrine (hugiainō). The Greek application means to struggle with
I wish professing Christians would stop using the mention of Phoebe to wrongfully justify their unbiblical installations of female Deacons. When the Apostle Paul called Phoebe a “deacon” in Romans 16:1, he was not referring to, nor calling her by a title or office. The word “deacon” in Romans 16:1 is the Greek word diakonos, which means