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Tag: Regeneration

Video of three responding to the Gospel while preaching at a Bus Depot – Present were the Passengers – the Paroles – the Police – and the Preacher (Soteriology explained)

Three people from diverse backgrounds responded to the Gospel call at this bus depot. Note that I did not preach easy believism, I actually preached and warned against it. To God be the glory. After I saturated this place with tracts, the police arrived and began searching people. I decided to place the officers in

Video ‘Born again of the Incorruptible Seed – Sperma’ (1 John 3:9)

At the moment of that salvific conception, a person that receives the supernatural born-again experience receives a circumcised heart. The Theology of the Lord’s Seed is a miracle that I cannot fully understand. But what will follow is an inceptive growth of the circumcision of sanctification. Does a woman just become pregnant? No, at conception

Video of an expository teaching on the Epistle of 1st John Chapter 2:1-14

This expositional teaching of 1st John chapter 2:1-14 will include (but is not limited to) the doctrine of substitutionary atonement, loving our enemies (I share about one of my police shootings). Another refute of easy-believism, several more Biblical ‘tests’ to see if you are in the faith. Biblical love vs an unbiblical love, the spiritual

Video ‘Evangelizing the 22nd Annual Festival of Lights in Riverside – preaching CHRIST into their “Holiday celebration” – using various methods of evangelism

Last night I used various methods of evangelism. Some of them were open-air preaching, crying out, calling out, stop light preaching, cross walk preaching, rapid tract distribution (RTD), as well as engaging in ‘one on one’ conversations. Lord willing the malls and stores are next. Below is a portion of that labor of love. .