This young lady is the byproduct of emergent pastors that unbiblically tell their congregation to “slip up your hand,” as they fraudulently declare them all born-again. Because there is nothing salvific about that, nor ‘believing’ according to the English definition of the word ‘believe.’ “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows
If you’re looking for eloquent speech, polished words, and a professional voice inflection; you won’t find it here. Sorry about the new word I invented “O’believe.” It does have an Irish pronunciation to it. 😉 After preaching this message, this woman approached me. She admitted that she was married, but was pregnant with a child
On this day I ministered in many bars, but this one stood out from the others. I’m glad Thomas was respectful. I am 6’-2”, 225lbs, and he’s taller and larger than I am. But then again, getting our derriere kicked for sharing the Gospel would be Biblical. “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares
On this outreach I went into my ‘VICE enforcement’ mode, which also included evangelizing many bars. After handing this alleged prostitute a Gospel tract, she replied “I already accepted Jesus,” she then dodged into a liquor store. When she exited, I recorded our next encounter. She attends a local lukewarm ‘church’ that does not teach
I appears that the man in the white shirt was taking advantage of another man’s vulnerability. Until he realized I was watching. Sexual immorality (straight or gay) is nothing to joke about. This was a portion of my recent labor of evangelism along the California coastline. For more about that click here.
This goes against the grain of our Americanized westernized emergent Christianity. But those of us that live in the USA must think more like Christ, and less like Americans. When we can fully comprehend that, then we will be more like His bride. Update: The first comment to this video was that there’s “nothing wrong
America, Israel and our allies will see a long-term consequential fallout from our presidents recent lifting of sanctions on Iran, and this debauched trade of their prisoners for ours. But sadly most of Americanized churchianity “celebrate” and “rejoice” over it. On the political/national security side of this. This is not “good news” that our own
I do not follow Hollywood news. Hence this is the first time I’ve posted about Charlie Sheen and/or his HIV diagnosis. This story doesn’t just exist in Hollywood. Both sin and HIV are prevalent in every one of our own communities. When Charlie Sheen’s doctor gave him his diagnosis that he was “HIV positive.” Sheen
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some
Three people from diverse backgrounds responded to the Gospel call at this bus depot. Note that I did not preach easy believism, I actually preached and warned against it. To God be the glory. After I saturated this place with tracts, the police arrived and began searching people. I decided to place the officers in