Today I returned to the Redlands DMV. I preached this message to two lines of customers (lined up in the front, and one on the side). After this I went to the city of Colton, and spend five hours on foot evangelizing downtown. Within a five block radius I distributed approx. 250 Gospel tracts inside
This is an expository teaching on Malachi Chapter 4 (the last chapter of the Old Testament). Included in these 6 verses are lots of action, and the prophetic words from the Prophet Malachi. Also included is Gods judgment, Gods destruction, God’s wrath, Gods love, and Gods protection for His church. I also included a plea
Folks if you’re one that believes that the only form of evangelism is the “Jesus with the woman at the well” scenario, or ‘casual conversationalism,’ you’re free to do so (and I do support those methods as well). However when you examine the Scriptures, the ‘public open-air preaching’ of the Gospel was the most utilized
Pastor Albert Martin gives a scathing message about ‘Christian’ women that dress in ways that cause men to lust (adultery in the heart.) As Martin said, “Ladies, get hold of this principal. Purity of your motive, does not cancel the effects of your appearance.” May I add thou men are more ‘visually oriented’ than woman.
Sadly another mega-church celebrity pastor has a “moral failing.” Well that’s what Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale is calling it – a “moral failing.” But the Bible calls it “adultery” or “sexual immorality.” However this sad news does not come to me as a surprise. It was several years ago I realized that I could no longer
The pedestrian traffic at Redlands East Valley high school is minimal compared to other schools. Most either leave in vehicles or buses. But it’s not about numbers, it’s not about drawing a crowd. It’s about submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
UPDATE MAY 6TH: To God be the glory, the trip was amazing. The progress/praise report is below this post. As the Lord leads, my goal is to evangelize many cities throughout many states. However not to do so by utilizing post-modern forms of evangelicalism. Time is short, and life is but a vapor, so I
Emergents and/or false converts will tell these street preachers, “Why don’t’ you be more like Jesus.” Perhaps they forgot about the Lords Jesus’ scathing rebukes in His letters to those seven churches. Five of those seven churches were rebuked. I especially appreciated the warnings gave, as the church bells rang. “These are warning bells..…” According
My more passive ecumenical Christian police friends may not approve of the way I witnessed to these cops that responded. But we must seize every opportunity to share Christ with every soul that stands before us. Even knowing that it was the enemy of Christ that called the police. The Lord ordained those officers steps