Biblical evangelism often involves ‘cleaning up false teachings,’ that have led others astray. No doubt hell will be full of false converts that believed in an ‘unlimited’ atonement. And most of them were ‘indirectly’ sent there by their own pastors (though Christ sends them there). When Jesus commanded Christians to go out and make disciples
As usual, Dr. Voddie Baucham consistently displays and demonstrates Biblical courage. I believe that a majority of ‘pastors’ within America, are the compromising cowardly apologists, that Voddie spoke about. I thank God for Godly men like Voddie.
This is sad news. First the Christian Baker in Colorado, and now these Christian Bakers in Oregon. According to Todd Starnes web site, and a court filing, this lesbian couple “alleged they had suffered depression, embarrassment, hysteria, impaired digestion, nervous appetite, weight gain, and mental anguish. They also said they felt “mentally raped.” But to
As I labor though this expository teaching through the Psalms, I am confronted with verses 4-5 of chapter 5, and the Doctrine of God’s hatred of sin, as well as His hatred of some sinners (ouch). I also share the thoughts of many notable Theologians. I give an explanation and application of the Text, as
UPDATE 06/03/18: The U.S Supreme Court ruled in a 7-2 decision, in partial favor of the Baker. However had the SCOTUS ruled against the Baker, Christians must obey God’s Law over mans. More about the courts decision here. I urge all Christians to begin praying for this court and their justices. Moreover, Jack Phillips and his
As I prepared for this expository study (other than one scholar), I studied under the teachings of scholars from the 1400’s up to the 1800’s. Therefore, this teaching will not be ‘watered down’ with contemporary fruffles. We will learn of the dangers of ‘walking’ with non-saved ‘friends.’ We will also learn how to ‘Biblically’ love
I agree with Brother Rusty’s message, however may I add these three points. #1 the unsaved world is doing exactly what we should expect from them. That is why the Lord’s Church must ‘go out’ and preach the glorious Gospel (the whole counsel of God). Yes I believe ministries should be under a plurality of
Though all sin is evil, and all sin brings forth death and damnation, the Scriptures do speak specifically on sexual immorality. Sadly I know an increasing percentage of ‘professing’ (alleged) Christians that have succumbed to Satan, by not only tolerating sexual immorality. Furthermore they have accepted it, acquiesced to it, congratulated it, and even celebrated
I intend to ‘street preach’ thru the book of Romans (Lord willing). This passage was about people that betray God. Both men and women that left what was natural, for the homosexual lifestyle. Moreover how God eventually ‘gives up’ on them, ‘giving them over’ to their debased reprobate minds (as well as other sins). Some