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Tag: Soteriology

Video witnessing to Sonya (a fruit of emergent churchianity)

This young lady is the byproduct of emergent pastors that unbiblically tell their congregation to “slip up your hand,” as they fraudulently declare them all born-again. Because there is nothing salvific about that, nor ‘believing’ according to the English definition of the word ‘believe.’ “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows

Video laboring outside liquor stores on Baseline in San Bernardino

During the first half of today I ministered at liquor stores on Baseline in San Bernardino. Where there’s lots of drugs, gangs, violence, prostitution, vice, and various sinister activity. Here’s a portion of a much larger labor of love. This gal told me “I accepted Jesus.” She attends a near-by unhealthy ‘church’ where her pastor

Philippians 4:13 – twist the lid, not the Scripture

Though well intended, I confess that I have quoted this verse out of context. But it is not as consequential as quoting verses out of context in regards to salvation. Soteriology (the study of salvation and how one becomes saved) is an essential doctrine. Hence professed Christians that use John 3:16 and the Romans Road

Video preaching on CHRISTS ELECT at ‘Easter’ time, warned them of the Sinner’s Prayer, of Accepting Jesus, of Raise Your Hand Altar Calls, False Converts, & called them to Repentance

During this sermon I preached the Law and the Gospel. I warned them of unhealthy ‘churches,’ unbiblical soteriology; and false conversions. I informed them of how repentance comes to us, what we do with it; as well as a call to repentance. One fellow later responded to this message admitting that he was considering a