Though I did not watch the Superbowl game and have not watched one in decades. I woke up this morning to see my social media platforms lit up about one of the Superbowl ads – He Gets Us. The ad is a photo collage (artwork) of people washing others’ feet. Their agenda is to teach their views
One of the many churches we visited last year had much potential. But during Sunday school, I learned they capitulated to egalitarianism, and so I left. But before leaving, we had an impromptu debate. I used the Scriptures, and their Deacon used the history of the apostatizing SBC. Today I ran into one of the
According to the ideals of our nation, what Coach Joe Kennedy said was accurate but not Biblical. Though we benefit from the constitution, according to the Scriptures, there is only one true God and faith. This post will anger those who have made idols of sports, America, or the constitution. But we need to think
Other than a conversation with one alleged Christian that wrongfully told me, “Why don’t you just tell them to accept Jesus,” this was non-eventful. I correct that heresy on the next corner, in the next video.
I don’t know how a true convert can watch the video excerpt of this “church service” without becoming righteously indignant or convicted. Or perhaps even shed a tear. Though this Podcast was not about Allie Beth Stuckey, but she came to mind while producing it. In the name of her pro-life, political activism, and/or republican
After watching the world commit unrepented continual idolatry over Kobe’s death, and then seeing Pastor Greg Laurie’s video on Kobe’s death, it’s time to say the following hard truths. Semper Reformanda! Greg Laurie’s aforementioned video can be seen here. To know more about ‘life after death,’ read my Gospel tract here. My article on the heretical
Some of the golden calves of the 21st Century are rubber balls, and those who bounce or hit them. If you’re a professing Christian. Redeeming our time wisely is not bouncing a ball, nor trying to hit a little white ball into a hole in the dirt, nor worshiping those that do. It’s all vanity.
There was approx. 90 folks in this line, and most of them were locked-in on the message. Afterwards the Lord created opportunities for ‘private’ conversations. The link to the aforementioned audio file was later taken down, otherwise I would have included it at the end. To know more about ‘life after death,’ read my Gospel
It was a sad day today at our cities internationally known ‘Redlands Bicycle Classic.’ Though there were many decent people that ride for enjoyment (or sport), and there were some nice families. But a large number of these ‘bicycle enthusiasts’ were wicked, unregenerate, sinful idolaters. From Satan worshipers, to drunkards, to women who cursed at
Regretfully I did not get a chance to labor the Gospel at this year’s Superbowl game in Minneapolis. But thankfully many other Christians had their boots on the ground. Thankfully those Christians were faithful and diligent in laboring and heralding the glorious Gospel to the multitudes. While these faithful Heralds were laboring, they realized that some
Yesterday I responded to an invitation to an annual Bar-B-Que for retired Los Angeles Police Officers, and Fire Department personnel. While driving to Los Angeles, so that I would maximize my effectiveness, I prayed specifically for ‘timing, and logistics.’ In other words, how does one guy cover so many, without missing a soul, or duplicating
I had no idea this was private property, but the Lord is thee Chief Mathematician. I was not advised and told to leave until after the very last Gospel tract. Just seconds after that last 300’th Gospel tract. Only by HIS sovereignty and providence, can this timing be so perfect. It was obviously the
This is a must see video for the church. A side note. I lost count as to how many Christians have stated that when born-again Christians gather to watch a ball game together, that it is “fellowship.” That is not only an unbiblical statement, it’s an affront to a Holy God, to call that “fellowship.”