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Tag: Tatsuo

A MUST-SEE sermon preached by my friend & fellow street preacher Tatsuo

In this video brother Tatsuo boldly preaches about the necessary persecution in America.  I’m glad he called-out our fellow Reformed churches. Too many cowardly Pastors strive to avoid persecution. As I told my previous church, I not only pray for the persecuted, I pray for persecution in America. In the meantime, the lukewarm are more

3 Videos preaching “The dangers of John 3:16, easily believism, the whosoever verses, Tatsuo preaching in Japanese & a compilation of encounters, all preached in Beverly Hills

Today for many hours, four men  preached into the open-air to thousands of people. Some responded well to the Gospel message, some responded angrily, some complained to security, some called the police, and some did not respond at all. The team also distributed lots of tracts, and engaged in many one on one encounters. Evidently