This was an interesting day. I engaged in various methods of evangelism. From casual conversations, to engaging hostile enemies of Christ, to stop-light preaching, to crying-out, to witnessing to cults, to standing elevated heralding the Gospel, to the public reading of the Scriptures, to Biblically judging and Biblically rebuking a professing Christian, to distributing hundreds
Some might think my method was rude, but at least I don’t go to their homes, and knock on their front door early on a Saturday morning. This Cult, as well as all other religions, are a stench (or smoke) in the nostrils of a Holy God, and God hates it.
She also received a Gospel tract with both the Law and Gospel (she’s holding it in her hand). I do not include private conversations in outreaches like this.
Once upon a time I was ecumenical, but no more. Christians must flee from this. But when a Christian stands firm on the ‘inerrant sufficient’ Scriptures, while avoiding ecumenicalism and/or religious pluralism, our ministry opportunities will be less. Below are two of my most recent experiences. Last year I was offered a paid position with
In the first 30 seconds you will see a Satanist wearing Easter bunny ears aggressively assault my friend Ronnie Cardiel. Take note that as soon as Ronnie recovers from this attack, he rejoices saying “Oh praise God, thank You Lord!” This is the book of Acts in action. Recover – Rejoice – and Regroup. This
Sheepdog alert: Recently at a venue that I will not disclose, I heard a Christian speaker give a plug for Harry Potter books (as he held two Harry Potter books in the air). He did this while boasting that his own children have read them in two different languages. Church, Christians, brethren – Harry Potter
I don’t believe America should negotiate with terrorists, nor will I negotiate with cults. These folks are going to hell, as they send others to hell with them in a handbasket. Henceforth, they need to be dealt with accordingly. And when they won’t listen, we warn the others. As others have said, “I’m a Herald,
After preaching this sermon I had some productive ‘one on ones.’ One lady advised she is a Jehovah Witness, and she seemed to respond fairly well to this message. Our conversation was too private, hence I edited it out. Only the Lord knows what the results will be. She advised she will be emailing me
On this day I ministered in many bars, but this one stood out from the others. I’m glad Thomas was respectful. I am 6’-2”, 225lbs, and he’s taller and larger than I am. But then again, getting our derriere kicked for sharing the Gospel would be Biblical. “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares