Pastor Walter Kim of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) stated that to “love your neighbor” you must get the vaccine. Further research of the NAE confirms they are preaching a humanitarian Social Justice Gospel. So that he could practice what he preaches, I offered to buy him a first class one way ticket to
On June 6, 1944 (D-Day) our American military and over 100,000 Allied troops orchestrated an invasion of France bearing the code name Operation Overlord. We invaded the shoreline at Normandy, shedding our blood so that the French could be liberated from the tyranny of Hitler and the Germans. And today the French police in Paris
Though this Mt. Vernon public-school board is part of the world system, so naturally they would follow the advice of the world. But what troubles me much more, is that local churches are unnaturally following the advice of the world. I just learned a local Church in our mountain community is hosting vaccination clinics. They
The courage of these midwives is a great testimony and witness to how Christians, Pastors, and Churches today should resist and disobey the governing authorities, when they tell us to go against the Scriptures, or our Christian belief. We need more men today, like the midwives then.
I don’t engage in satire or parodies, and rarely this type of humor, but I couldn’t contain myself. I acquired the quote at the end from my friend the late Pastor Layne Livingston.
In this Podcast I discuss G3 Josh Buice and Paul Washer’s wrong application of Romans 13 during the COVID “pandemic.” And I give examples how I have Biblically applied this Text as a police officer, which includes praising one Church, while killing an assassin at another Church. Remember church. It is not discernment when one
Just a few hours after being uploaded YouTube removed this from my channel along with another “strike.” Hence here it is via Rumble. The worship of the COVID vaccine is real. In this video I believe this Elder violates many of the Lord’s Ten Commandments, in regards to the COVID vaccine. Below is an mp3
As an impartial advocate of the truth, the Democrats will hate me for this, and most Republicans will too. But that’s a great place for a set apart Christian to be. The media clip was courtesy of the KHOU 11 news. #medicaltyranny #Resisttyranny
This is an excellent Podcast produced by Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter. In this show, he interviews Pastor Steve Richardson in Canada. Richardson has displayed courage and conviction throughout this COVID era, as he continued to obey the Lord by holding Church services. Consequently, the police have levied charges against him, he faces six