Recently I watched a celebrity pastor in the L.A. area tell his church, and everyone watching his video online, to get the COVID vaccine if needed to share the Gospel. If that’s not worldly pragmatic advice, then I don’t know what is. Thank you Candice for your advice for others to consider. ☝😘
I am a Christian in my sixties who has heart failure, chronic heart disease, a history of three full cardiac arrests, am Pacemaker reliant, have a compromised immune system, and I have chosen to not get the COVID vaccine. Albeit my primary reasons are Theological and faith-based, but what Dr. Carrie Madej lays out in her below video are some additional points
Sadly, many institutionalized “churches” and/or church establishments have succumbed to the ways of the world, demanding face diapers and vaccines. In this video I expose a local “church” and call them (as well as the others) to repent, not repeat or “reset.” Disclaimer: Regarding the verse “Greet one another with a Holy kiss.” As I
Both Democrats and Republicans have mishandled this COVID virus. Fact is, last year Trump fell on his sword by showcasing Dr. Fauci in his daily “Coronavirus Taskforce” briefings, while Pence held up his “Do the five” charts. Nonetheless, I am so thankful for Senator Rand Paul; he is consistently steadfast. Doctor Rand Paul is
In December I made an amateur Podcast about how I came across America’s Frontline Doctors, and my purchase of the anti-parasitic agent called Ivermectin. Today a brother from Church sent me the below video of a speech by Dr. Simone Gold. It was medical malfeasance for our government to push the creation of an “experimental”
Since Christians obey the Great Commission, we are at a higher risk. Hence, here’s a valuable resource for your consideration. UPDATE 08/09/21: Since I am in more contact with COVID+ brethren, I began prophylactically taking my Ivermectin today. As I stated on Twitter today –
Below are some of my Tweets (and other brief thoughts) as this fluid “pandemic” situation unfolds and changes, and many of them were linked to my Gospel tract. The CoronaVirus is working. The NBA suspended their season. Now will the other sports gods and idolaters suspend their season? Because of COVID19 the President declares a
DISCLAIMER: The following documentary is not a Christian produced/directed film. Hence IPOC Ministries is not aligning themselves with the producer, director, nor any other person(s) affiliated with this film. IPOC is not an anti-government organization. However as your sheepdog, I believe in warning the sheep. – Chaplain Bill. A Christian friend from California Nurses for
Back in 2003 IPOC Ministries hosted a fairly large event at Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland Calif. I didn’t even attend this church, but they were gracious enough to allow us to use it. Our event was entitled ‘The New World Order Briefing’ (NWO.) Our keynote speaker was Dr. Kent Hovind (aka Dr. Dino.) Our