Many will laugh, some will mock, others will be angry with me, but a minority will appreciate this; so, let her rip. One of the greatest disappointments (or offenses) I see in today’s Christendom, is the sinister idolatry of celebrity pastors, books, and/or authors. On many Facebook groups, it’s more about man than the Lord
Because of the unhealthy state of our nation, I am seeing an increase in nationalism coming in and out of local churches. I’m even seeing seemingly solid pastors share writings or videos from members of religions contrary to the Scriptures. But as I stated in a recent tweet – Though I appreciate a president or
This is an excellent video commentary on Biblical love by Martyn Lles. But it could be theologically dangerous to share this with an anonymous internet audience without this disclaimer. Gods’ love comes with much exclusivity. According to the Scriptures, this below noted love is only for Gods elect, those born again. And when Lles refers
Todd Friel’s interpretation (or application) of Romans 13 is a man-centered eisegesis, to say the least. At timestamp 16:00 he states, “if the government tells me to put pinwheels on the side my head every time I go to Publix, I’m gonna put pinwheels on the side of my head.” This cowardly pacifist wrong view
Pastor Walter Kim of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) stated that to “love your neighbor” you must get the vaccine. Further research of the NAE confirms they are preaching a humanitarian Social Justice Gospel. So that he could practice what he preaches, I offered to buy him a first class one way ticket to
In this Podcast I discuss G3 Josh Buice and Paul Washer’s wrong application of Romans 13 during the COVID “pandemic.” And I give examples how I have Biblically applied this Text as a police officer, which includes praising one Church, while killing an assassin at another Church. Remember church. It is not discernment when one
Is country music icon Dolly Parton a false convert? Fact is, if an unregenerate person or an unrepentant Christian sit in a healthy Biblical Church, they will either be offended and leave, be convicted saved and converted, and/or be convicted repent and be restored. It appears Dolly does not have that type of Church. Let’s
Sadly, today perhaps a majority of professing Christians believe it is wrong to call out false teachers by name. In the below video ReformedWiki did an excellent job while using excerpts from Dr. Voddie Baucham to Biblically defend naming names. This is encouraging as I am currently teaching through the Epistle of Jude, and have
In this exposition of verses 8-16 is a denunciation of false teachers, more on the governing authorities, & the relevance of Enoch’s prophecy. The Lord blessed us by bringing back a member from a time ago. We had many guests today, so I decided to preach the Law & Gospel after this sermon. In this
While doing a Google search for [gospel + police] I discovered that CNN had endorsed and promoted a professing Christian police officers “Gospel” message, that video went “viral.” I attempted to download the CNN video but was unsuccessful. However, I was able to locate the exact public file that they featured in their news story.