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“Church” of Scientology whistleblowers speak before LAPD Commission

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As a policeman, I’ve responded to calls into the heart of the so-called “Church of Scientology,” located in Los Angeles. That was rare because they did not want a police presence. I remember my first visit, I was stopped and asked by one of their uniformed “Captains” to state my business there. I told that Captain to stand down. Perhaps one day I’ll write more about this. The “church” of Scientology is not a church. It is an occultic secret society, and many of Hollywood’s A-list Actors are active members, as well as some police officers. This is the downside of our ecumenical First Amendment. These whistle-blowers have taken their complaints directly to the head of the LAPD, the Board of Police Commissioners. We shall see what comes of this (if anything).

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Rated R for sexually explicit testimony.

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